Whiz . money request feature

Whiz Financial Application Money Request Features and How to Fulfill Requests

Whiz . Finance App money request feature – Have Whizmates ever thought, when a child is not with their parents, then they forget to bring money? Wow, it's really bad if the child is in that situation! But, don't worry, the Money Request feature in the Whiz app can be the solution!

The Money Request feature in Whiz can be used to request a certain amount of money for certain purposes. With easy access, even though parents and children are far apart, money can still be transferred. How to use? Come on, see the steps!

Also Read: How to Create a Whiz Account: Let's Get Started!

How to Use the Whiz Keuangan Finance App Money Request Feature

1. Click the Request icon on the page homepage

Click Request which is under the main wallet balance.

2. Fill in the Information in the form of Mobile Number, Destination, and Reason for Request

Fill in mobile number, nominal, destination, and reason for request. Rockeeters can directly select a mobile number in your contacts to make a request!

3. Your Request Was Successfully Submitted

Yeay, your request has been submitted! Wait until your request is approved by the intended person, OK!

How to Fulfill a Request for Money Request

To fulfill the request, follow these steps, yes!

1. Click the Request Icon

Click icon Request which is under the main wallet balance details.

2. Select Request What to Fulfill

On the screen, will appear Inquiry Status. Choose request that you want to fulfill.

3. Select “Fulfill Request

Then, a request information display will appear that you need to fulfill, starting from the name of the applicant, the applicant's phone number, date of request, number of requests, and a description. If you have agreed to fulfill the request as requested, select Fulfill Request.

4. Confirm Request Fulfillment

Re-read the transaction information that you did. If it is appropriate, select Confirmation.

5. Enter your PIN

Enter PIN for transaction authorization!

6. Request Successfully Fulfilled

Yeay, the request has been fulfilled!

Also Read: How to Get Full Features of Whiz: What to do?

How? It's easy, right? With the Requests Feature, Whizmates don't have to be afraid to send money to kids anymore! With clear goals and reasons, the child's request is fulfilled. Children can be more confident and transparent about their money management to their parents.

Financial needs are met, children can learn to be honest and responsible. Come on, help children learn to manage finances while meeting their needs with Whiz!