
most expensive painting

Wow! Here are the 10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World!

10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World - What do you think when you see a painting? Beautiful? Amazing? Or are you even confused about how to make the painting because it's too good? Yes, we often experience thoughts like that when looking at a painting. In fact, paintings are not only used for exhibitions, you know. There are also those who really […]

Wow! Here are the 10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World! Read More »

10 Cheap and Cozy Hangout Places in Jakarta

Cheap places to hang out in Jakarta - Are you tired of your days and need a reference for a place to hang out? You are lucky because you have read the right article. In this article, Whizmin will summarize and recommend places to hang out in Jakarta that are cheap and cozy, you know! It's no surprise that Jakarta is an elite metropolitan area with a dense population. So

10 Cheap and Cozy Hangout Places in Jakarta Read More »

differences in talents and interests

Differences in Talents and Interests, Do You Know Whizmates?

Difference between Talent and Interest - When you hear talent and interest, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Since childhood, we often come across the words talent and interest, but in reality there are still many who don't know what the difference is between talent and interest, you know. Everyone's talents and interests are different. Someone who has interests

Differences in Talents and Interests, Do You Know Whizmates? Read More »

how to find topics of conversation

Running Out of Chat Material? Try Doing This!

How to Find Conversation Topics – Have you ever been chatting, but ran out of topics to talk about? Well, there are several ways to find topics of conversation, you know. To find a topic of conversation, you must at least know the nature of the person you are chatting with. Don't let them feel uncomfortable or forced to chat with you. We also have to understand that everyone has their own feelings. For example,

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