Benefits of School Libraries in Improving Literacy

Benefits of School Libraries – Libraries are very important in supporting and implementing better education. Thus, school libraries aim to support, enrich, seek, and provide educational programs that meet the needs of students.

School libraries are not just a place to store books and library materials but also to help students and teachers complete assignments in teaching and learning activities. Thus, school libraries have several benefits since they support teaching and learning.

Are you curious about the benefits of school libraries? If so, let's take a look at this explanation, OK!

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Benefits of School Libraries

1. Improving Interest in Reading

Benefits of School Libraries

Do you know Indonesia is in the bottom 10 regarding people's reading interests? This literacy rate has been proven by a survey conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) released by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Wow, that means a lot of Indonesian people don't like reading. Therefore, taking advantage of school libraries can slowly increase students' interest in reading here in Indonesia. Moreover, if the library is comfortable and has excellent facilities.

If it is comfortable and the facilities are adequate, of course, students will likely visit the library. Then, whether they like it or not, they will read in the library. From there, they will soon be trained to love reading.

2. Encouraging Students to Be Independent Learners

Benefits of School Libraries

Do you also feel that the teachers are only a facilitator for students in the current learning curriculum? Yup, that's right. Currently, teachers give little lecture-based teaching in a full hour of learning.

Usually, the teacher will only direct students to read and understand some material. Then, when students do not understand, the teacher will help explain.

Well, the library's role is very important with the existing curriculum. Of course, school libraries will make it easier for students to explore on their own regarding the material they are studying. That way, students will get to learn more independently.

3. Enriching Learning Experience

Benefits of School Libraries

By regularly visiting the school library, you will also enrich your knowledge and learning experience. You will often look for books that match your study material.

However, believe me, once in a while, you will be interested in another book, which, when you read it, you will acquire new knowledge!

While looking for books for your assignment, your knowledge will also improve because of your interest in reading other books. Thus, you'll get more insight with new knowledge. It is exciting, right?

4. Motivating Students to Be More Responsible

As it's already explained, encouraging students to learn independently will motivate them to be responsible with their tasks and duties.

The school library usually provides book lending services. Usually, libraries only give a maximum of a week to lend books. The library will also give you a fine if your borrowed book gets damaged.

Well, by borrowing books from the school library, you will be motivated to be responsible for keeping things that don't belong to you and returning them on time.

5. Accelerating Mastery of Reading Techniques

This is also in line with the points above. By being given a short time to borrow books, you will also be encouraged to start mastering reading techniques.

You can read with a quick technique, namely by first looking for what the main points you are going to look for in the book. After you find it, you read and find essential ideas in the book.

So, if you want to read quickly, you shouldn't read the entire book, okay?

6. Improving Language Skills and Proficiency

Usually, a school library will provide quite a lot of books. If you often go to the library, you will be more likely to read various books. That way, you will master a lot of vocabulary and improve your language skills.

7. Helping Teachers Find Teaching Resources

Benefits of School Libraries

Not only students but teachers also need to find teaching resources. Not only does the school library provide books for students, but it also provides a source of books for teachers. With the library, teachers will significantly assist teachers in finding various teaching resources.

8. Helping Students Complete Assignments

The internet is one of many shortcuts for you to do your school work. Sometimes, you must go to the school library to find a precise and reliable source.

The key is not to be lazy while searching and reading the sources!

9. Adding Insights to the School Academia

The point is that a school library is also a place for all academics. For example, teachers, students, and even school staff members can gain insight into current knowledge and technology by visiting the school library.

Anyone can, of course, visit and read books in the library. You and others can fill the boredom in studying or while at recess by reading books in the library.

Read also: 7 Causes of Laziness of Children in Learning That You Should Know!

Those are some of the benefits of school libraries. Hopefully the library facilities at your school can be used properly to improve your literacy, OK!

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