Considerations for Taking Early Retirement: No More Hesitation!

Considerations for Taking Early Retirement – Have you ever thought about taking early retirement? Before deciding to take early retirement, there are several things you need to consider. Before we start discussing further, do you know what the retirement age is in Indonesia?

Retirement employees in Indonesia are on average 55-65 years old. The decision depends on company policy and agreement with the employee himself.

Before taking early retirement, there are several things you should make sure of. First, make sure you will get pension rights. Second, calculate the nominal amount of money you will get, then make a list of needs during retirement.

Third, consider whether the pension you get can finance your needs or not. Fourth, also make sure you have saved enough money just in case and are free from debt.

If you can make sure all these things have been met, you can take early retirement in peace. However, if you are still in doubt, Whiz has several advantages and disadvantages of taking early retirement that can be taken into consideration!

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Advantages of Taking Early Retirement

Here are some of the advantages of taking early retirement that can be your consideration.

1. Good for health

After taking early retirement you can have plenty of time to rest. You don't need to be tired or stressed because of work so you can save a lot of energy and focus on your health.

2. Lots of Free Time

Usually we spend all day working. Early retirement will free you from that. There will be a lot of free time that you can use for various things. For example, you can spend time doing hobbies, going for walks, or socializing with new people.

3. Trying Other Careers

Have you ever felt curious to do another job, but was too afraid to take the risk? Or get into conflict with your previous job? After retiring early, you can try this!

4. Spending Time With Family

At an old age, of course we want to spend more time with family. Especially if previously rarely gathered together because of obstruction of work. Early retirement can be a great opportunity.

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Disadvantages of Taking Early Retirement

Here are some of the disadvantages of taking early retirement that can be taken into consideration for you.

1. Retirement Savings Must Last

If you decide to retire early, automatically the money you need will also increase. Therefore, you must ensure that you have a large and sufficient retirement savings to last a long time.

2. Boredom Appears

During work we usually have routines and busyness every day. When all these things stop, there must be a sense of boredom that arises. Plus the amount of free time that exists during retirement. You have to be good at setting new routines during retirement to avoid getting bored.

3. Decreased Assets or Savings

After retirement, there is no longer a stable income every month. Inevitably you will see the assets or savings that you have worked so hard to collect will decrease because they are used for living expenses.

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Those are some of the advantages and disadvantages of taking early retirement that can be your consideration. Please assess and think about whether you are ready to take early retirement or not.

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