Creative Ways to Teach Children to Save: Worth Trying, Here!

Is there a creative way to encourage children to save that parents can do to teach and encourage their children to save? Saving should be taught to children from an early age. By saving from a young age, this good habit will be firmly embedded in their lives.

However, saving can be tedious and uninteresting for a child, as they still lack a sense of urgency or drive to save. So, consider the following tips!

1. Introduce Saving through Boardgames and Games

Basically, saving is an activity to save some of the money you have for future needs. However, a child tends not to be trained to think too far and only wants to do what he enjoys.

Therefore, parents can start educating their children about saving by introducing them to things they enjoy. For example, if the child likes to play board game like Monopoly, you can teach them about saving with their Monopoly money.

Thus, the basic concept of saving can be introduced easily using the way they like

Read also: The Effect of Games on Children's Financial Intelligence

2. Use a cute piggy bank

After teaching children to save in a creative way, the place where they save money can also be a place for creativity that is no less exciting.

If you want your child to save money in a piggy bank, you can find a piggy bank that has an attractive design for them.

If your child has an interest in animals, ask them what their favorite animal is and look for a piggy bank in the shape of the animal. Maybe the baby likes to play house, out there, there must be a craftsman who sells piggy banks in the form of houses.

On the other hand, you and your child can create and design your own piggy bank! In addition to stimulating children's creativity and skills, they can determine for themselves what kind of piggy bank they want to use and where they want to save.

3. Create a Unique Savings Card Design

In addition to the piggy bank, you can also put your child's savings in the bank. Besides being easier, you can monitor the amount of money they have saved on a regular basis.

Some banks have services for their customers that offer cute and unique savings card designs for their customers. You can use this to give a creative savings card so that your child becomes more enthusiastic about saving.

4. Give Fun Saving Goals

For children, saving should have a purpose that they can understand and enjoy. It could be for clothes or accessories they've been dreaming of for a long time, or toys they really want, or an excursion to a location they crave.

By providing a goal for them to save, children will become more enthusiastic about saving and have a deeper understanding of the saving process itself.

5. Make Timeline Saving with Children

In addition to giving your child a saving goal, you can build a timeline together with the child about their savings.

Together with the child, calculate how much money will be saved by the child every day or every week, how long they have to save, and the next step after their savings are used and their goals are achieved.

Thus, they have a complete picture of the process of saving and the function of saving itself. After that, you can recreate timeline saving together with children with new goals, and new processes.

6. Make Variations in Giving Their Savings Money

The next creative way is to give a different amount of money each time you give money to them. For example, their weekly needs are Rp. 200,000. To save, you give them Rp. 250,000 per week.

Instead of giving them the same amount, to practice their money management, try giving them less or more than IDR 250,000 per week.

In this way, they can reconsider their essential and non-essential needs and exercise priorities in spending money. However, keep in mind that their needs are not fulfilled.

7. Set a Good Example

Savings will quickly become embedded in the minds of children when parents set a good example. You should also save and share timelines, goals, and how you save to them. Thus, the baby will continue to be encouraged and enthusiastic in saving using timelines, goals, and ways of saving they have learned with you.

Here are some creative ways to get your kids to save money that you can follow. Because saving is important for a person's life, it is appropriate for children to be taught from an early age in saving.

In addition to saving, financial literacy and financial management are also very important to be taught to children. Whiz has various features that can help you in educating financial literacy to children, you know!