examples of juvenile apathy

Examples of Apathy In Teens, You Should Aware

Example of Teen Apathy – Have you ever felt that you don't care about the environment around you? The feeling of being uncaring is very reasonable. However, gross indifference to the surrounding environment can lead to apathy.

All ages, including teenagers, can feel this attitude. Apathy is a person's attitude when they do not care about or lack interest in the surrounding environment. This attitude can be a common symptom of major depressive disorder and other mental health problems.

Some characteristics are included in apathy, such as not caring about hobbies, stopping caring about friendships, losing interest in socializing, etc. So, coldness can affect relationships with people around you in everyday life.

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Causes of Apathy in Adolescents

causes of apathy in adolescents

Someone who is apathetic will be indifferent to the people around him because he withdraws from the situation around him. Apathy harms not only oneself but also others.

Actually, what are the causes of adolescent apathy? Check out the full explanation below!

1. Lack of Confidence

Quite often, apathy in adolescents is caused by a lack of self-confidence. For example, physical deficiencies make them feel inferior, so they are afraid of being the subject of ridicule by the people around them.

Moreover, appearance is the main thing for teenagers. If the appearance is not generally up to standard, self-confidence will be reduced.

Thus, they choose to withdraw from the environment, causing apathy.

2. Don't Trust Other People

don't trust other people

Apart from a lack of self-confidence, another cause is mistrusting others. This behavior is because a person is often disappointed or betrayed by people they trust.

Teenagers often feel things like this. For example, when in a relationship or friendship. They have built such a strong trust that they often tell this person about their condition. However, the figure, in the end, disappointed them.

Losing the trust of other people will cause them to be reluctant to socialize again because teenagers will become afraid to be disappointed again.

3. Emotional Pressure

Emotional pressure can also be the cause of the creation of apathy in adolescents. The unpleasant behavior of others triggers it. In the adolescent stage, there is often a follow-up bullying. The pressure starts from verbal and physical abuse.

Of course, someone who is a victim of bullying will feel cornered and emotionally pressured. Therefore, he stays away from the surrounding environment.

Bullying and actions that can make someone depressed must be followed up immediately. In addition to causing trauma, this will form an attitude of apathy.

4. Lack of Affection

The last cause of apathy is a lack of affection. Lack of appreciation from parents is undoubtedly often felt by teenagers. During the growth period, teenagers need a figure to prove they are worthy of being loved.

If that is not fulfilled, teenagers will feel a lack of affection and think that people don't care about them. Therefore, they will be apathetic toward those around them.

After knowing the factors that cause apathy in adolescents, do you know what examples of indifference in adolescents are? Come on, read the following explanation!

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Examples of Apathy in Adolescents

examples of juvenile apathy

Being lazy, being reluctant to do something, and having no passion for activities are examples of apathy. All of us must have been in that condition.

Apathy itself is commonplace in all ages. Not only limited to a certain age. Meanwhile, in certain circles, teenagers will tend to avoid certain activities.

According to psychological science, apathy is divided into two types. The first apathy is called bystander apathy. Bystander Apathy is an attitude of indifference or indifference when a crime occurs around it. The second apathy is Social apathy. As the name implies, Social Apathy is characterized by symptoms of a sufferer's reluctance to socialize with other people.

Furthermore, here are some examples of apathy in adolescents.

1. Lack of Enthusiasm for Activities

Apathetic adolescents will tend to be less enthusiastic about activities because they want to spend their time being lazy.

They will ignore all activities because they are too tired to do anything. Therefore, they become unproductive while going through the day.

2. Not Feeling Any Emotions

In addition to lacking enthusiasm, those who are apathetic will also not feel any emotion. Whether good or bad things happen to them, they will feel empty.

Such a response is indeed the result of apathy. Teenagers no longer care about everything that comes, even the good things.

3. Less Interest in Doing What They Like

Usually, people will feel excited to do the things they like, such as pursuing hobbies or activities that make them happy. However, apathy can turn them into lazy people. Thus, making them no longer content to do the things they are interested in.

4. Not Interested in Social Activities

Apathetic people will withdraw from the environment. Not happy to chat with around, not even comfortable participating in social activities.

They felt insecure in a crowd. Then, they feel disconnected from others because they struggle with their thoughts. Therefore, social activities can be a significant burden for those who are apathetic.

5. Not Motivated to Achieve Goals

Apathy makes people lazy and tends to be unproductive. Thus, it can make them unmotivated to achieve goals.

They will not think about complicated things, especially the goals to achieve, because they are numb to the environment and themselves.

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How to Overcome Apathy in Teenagers

how to deal with adolescent apathy

Well, Whizmate, how do you deal with apathy in teenagers? Check out the following explanation to find out more!

1. Doing Psychotherapy

Feeling excessive anxiety so that you will feel haunted by worry is one of the symptoms of apathy. Their concern can be fear of something happening if they interact or carry out certain activities. They will also tend to be indifferent to the surrounding environment.

Psychotherapy can be the right step to reduce apathy. This therapy focuses on changing mindsets and actions. If previously apathetic sufferers tended to take action and have negative thought patterns, psychotherapy would direct sufferers to do positive things. 

2. Changing Lifestyle

change lifestyle

For people with apathy, changing lifestyles or trying to socialize with others is difficult. This may become a process that needs to be carried out in stages.

In addition to trying to socialize, people with apathy can engage in pleasurable activities. Finding hobbies and engaging in rewarding activities can gradually reduce apathy.

Apathy in adolescents deserves attention. Indifference doesn't just make them lazy or seem lethargic. Moreover, disregard can cause them to be indifferent to the events around them. 

Therefore, people with apathy, especially teenagers, must be given attention to restoring their concern and enthusiasm. 

3. Do Hobbies or Things You Like

Furthermore, apathy can be overcome by hobbies or things they take an interest in. This method tries to distract from the formation of indifference.

When someone feels happy, they are able to transmit it when dealing with others. Therefore, it is vital to please yourself, so you only sometimes depend on others to be happy.

4. Build Communication

build communication

Building communication is one of the keys to overcoming apathy in adolescents. This method can strengthen the relationship between children and parents and related parties.

However, building communication also takes time. Don't force someone's will when they don't want to be disturbed. Look for the right time gap, so communication can be appropriately established without coercion.

5. Help Teens to Cope With Their Grief

Adolescent apathy can provoke severe depression. A teenager who is withdrawing from his environment may be feeling very sad.

Maybe, teenagers are also experiencing unstable physical and mental changes, so that their coping mechanism is not perfect yet. Therefore, adults should offer help to them.

Remember to ask your teenager if they need to be heard or ask for advice. If they need advice or a point of view, give the best according to experience and knowledge.

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That explains the definition, causes, examples, and ways to overcome apathy. There are times when everyone is apathetic. However, this attitude must be overcome, so it does not drag on. Please apply the solution above, OK?