Welcoming New Year – Entering the new year 2022, we start all new days. With the passing of the year, the goals of our lives also change. For that, we must start making resolutions so that our life goals can be fulfilled. Resolutions are needed for many things, be it your personal desires, basic needs, and most importantly: finances!
As an important role in everyday life, financial resolutions must be prepared carefully. In fact, financial resolutions are the basis for achieving your other resolutions. So, you must be wise and consistent to achieve your financial resolutions. How to? Come on, see!
Also Read: New Year's Resolutions Are Not Complete Without These Things!
7 Ways to Achieve Financial Resolutions

Make Resolutions based on 3K (Wants, Needs, Capabilities)
Before reaching a financial resolution, of course, you have to make a resolution first. Based on your money OJK, make financial resolutions based on the 3K, namely Needs, Wants, and Abilities. Formulate in advance what your 3K is!
Needs: Try to formulate, how much nominal needs you have to fulfill this year. Calculate with a rough calculation so that you still have excess money from the nominal which is smaller than your calculation.
Desire: Having a wish to achieve in the new year is very good, you know! However, adjust it according to your income and expenses. If your desires can be achieved without interfering with the expenditure of necessities, write them down and achieve them!
Ability: When the wants and needs have been formulated, remember: do you have the financial means to make them happen? If not, you can think of ways to get your extra income. If it's too heavy, reduce your desire a little. Don't forget to keep saving, investing, and setting aside an emergency fund, OK!
Set Timeframe Strategy
Once you've made a resolution that's 3K compliant, achieving a financial resolution will become easier. However, you need a suitable strategy to achieve it. The trick, you have to calculate how much money you have to spend to achieve your resolution. Then, calculate your income.
After that, create a timeframe based on your income to achieve one goal. Be clever to balance spending for your needs and wants. Formulate a timeframe on each of your list of needs and wants until the end of the year. That way, the strategy is there, just execute it!
Write Resolution List
When you've made a resolution, write down the list! Write a list of resolutions in all the places you see a lot. Write on your desk, on your bedroom wall, on your smartphone screen, on your laptop screen. You can also record in the financial application. The more you look at your list of resolutions, the more you will remember to achieve them!
Make it in the form of bullet points or a list of writings. So, every time you reach a resolution, you can tick or cross it. The more crossed out lists, the more motivated you'll be to reach the rest. Make the list as interesting as possible so that you are even more excited!
Dare to Start
Sometimes, the spirit of a resolution only reaches the moment of formulating it. In fact, to achieve this, many people choose not to start at all. Of the 365 days in a year, start as soon as possible on one of them. Don't delay!
If you feel unmotivated and always put off the time to start, remember that not necessarily tomorrow you can start. Start right now. When you remember, start. When you think about it, get started. No one knows what tomorrow will be like. Get started right now!
Starting from Small Steps
When we have a resolution, sometimes we just focus on achieving it. In fact, everything needs a process. Start what you can start. Even if it's just a small step, keep going. Because, it is these small steps that will give you big achievements in your resolutions. No matter how small, just get started!
Usually, while running a resolution, sometimes we feel like giving up halfway. No, yes! Make yourself disciplined to achieve your financial resolutions. Even if you have achieved a lot of resolutions, don't use that as an excuse to cheat on your own. Be disciplined in achieving your own desires so that at the end of the year you enjoy great results.
Always Set aside an Emergency Fund
In a whole year, we do not know what obstacles and obstacles will occur. Sometimes, the unexpected can affect our planning. To keep your financial resolutions going, set aside an emergency fund. If you are in a condition that needs a lot of money suddenly, you can use an emergency fund. That way, financial resolutions are not disturbed.
Also Read: New Year's Party Savings Tips: Stay Cool and Fun
Those are the things you can do so that your financial resolutions can be achieved. Come on, achieve your financial resolutions with discipline! Manage your finances too with the Whiz finance app!
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