the benefits of guidance and counseling

Guidance and Counseling Techniques and Benefits

Techniques and Benefits of Guidance and Counseling – Guidance and counseling have the same purpose, namely to assist. Guidance is defined as assistance from an academic advisor to make a decision. Meanwhile, counseling is interpreted as open problem solving assistance. 

Guidance tends to be preventive (prevention), while counseling tends to be curative (healing). Although the terms are different, guidance and counseling are still closely related, assisting individuals or groups of people to solve a problem. 

Guidance and counseling require its own techniques. Here are various types of guidance and counseling techniques and benefits. Let's check them out!

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Guidance and Counseling Techniques

1. Individual Counseling

guidance and counseling

This type of counseling is done individually. Usually, individual counseling is done individually face to face. 

Individual counseling is the same as counseling in general, which uses interview techniques. There are 3 approach techniques, namely, direct technique, indirect technique, and mixed technique. Here is a brief explanation.

Direct Method (Directive Counseling)

With this technique, the counselor has an important role. They take the initiative to ask certain questions as part of the counseling process. Thus, the counselee, a term for people who need direction or advice, can directly answer questions from the counselor.

Because of their important role, a counselor must be able to direct the counselee to tell the problem.

Indirect Method (Non-Directive Counseling)

Contrary to the previous one, the counselee has an important role here. This is because they will dominate the counseling process, from chatting sessions to testing themself to solve their own problems. 

So, counselors are expected to be able to help counselees find the best way to solve the problems they are facing.

Mixed Methods (Effective Counseling)

This last technique is a combination of both direct and indirect techniques. Thus, occasionally the counselor will ask questions and so do the counselee. So, both the counselor and the counselee will have an important role in the counseling process.

2. Group Guidance

Group guidance

Unlike individual counseling, this one guidance is carried out in groups. The goal is that each individual in the group can get guidance on understanding, acceptance, and direction for themself. 

There are two advantages of group guidance, which are that it is more effective and efficient and it can encourage the exchange of experiences between individuals.

Although the guidance is done in groups, each individual will still get the same treatment from the counselor.

3. Testing and Non-Testing Techniques in Guidance and Counseling

This test is quite different from the previous counseling guidance techniques. This testing technique emphasizes the use of measuring instruments. The results are in the form of numbers or are quantitative.  

Generally, this test is done to obtain consideration of the problem in the individual. For example, such as one's learning achievement problems, environmental adjustments, and others.

Examples of testing techniques are IQ tests (intelligence) and personality tests. The results of these tests will help the counselor to provide follow-up to the counseling process for the counselee.

Meanwhile, the non-test technique does not use measuring devices. This technique is used to assess individual personality as a whole, including attitudes, behavior, social attitudes, and others. Various non-test techniques, including observation, questionnaires, and interview.

4. Classical Guidance

Classical guidance is usually given to students in the classroom. This guidance requires the display of images and videos during the delivery process. Then, what was shown will be discussed by the students. 

The discussion was conducted freely and openly. In other words, this guidance is carried out using the discussion method so that there is an exchange of thoughts and experiences between individuals. So, the guidance process is done covertly or indirectly.

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Those are the 4 techniques of guidance and counseling. Although the method is different, the purpose of guidance and counseling remains the same, which is to provide assistance to each individual. Then, what are the benefits of guidance and counseling? Here is the explanation!

Benefits of Guidance and Counseling Program

1. Makes Oneself Better

Guidance and counseling can make us feel better, happier, and calmer. At least, after the counseling sessions, we can understand and accept ourselves.

In addition, we can also feel relieved because we have expressed our stories and emotions to the counselor, a person who is an expert in their field. 

Therefore, it is very important not to self-diagnose. However, immediately contact a professional expert if you need help with your problem.

2. Lowers and Eliminates Stress Levels

relieve stress

Guidance and counseling can also reduce and even eliminate stress, fyi. Why? Because we will be assisted by counselors to find the source of the stress. 

After knowing the source of stress, we will also be assisted to solve it.

3. Understands and Accepts Oneself

With guidance and counseling, we will be helped to understand and accept ourselves. The reason is, the counselors will invite us to make peace with ourselves. 

By understanding ourselves, we will accept all our shortcomings and realize our strengths. In addition, we can also improve our relationships with other people.

4. Improves Personal Development Skills

the benefits of guidance and counseling

A guidance and counseling program helps you to be able to develop yourself and use your potential to the fullest. That way, you have succeeded in knowing and understanding yourself so that you can recognize all your strengths.

Thus, your self-development skills will improve and can lead you to achieve your dreams. 

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Well, there's quite a lot of benefits of guidance and counseling. Hopefully, after reading this, you won't hesitate to take a guidance and counseling session, OK!