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How to Build Emotional Bonds with Children? It's Easy!

How to Build Emotional Bonds with Children The busyness of parents is often an obstacle in building emotional bonds with children. Even though every child needs the presence of their parents in dealing with the problems they experience.

Building emotional bonds with children cannot be done instantly. Parents must always be present in every moment experienced by the child and participate in witnessing and encouraging the child's growth. In this way the emotional bond between parents and children will be established.

Then what about parents who are busy working?

Even though you are busy working, you can still build an emotional bond with your child. parents! The important thing to note is to establish communication and have patience.

What is the importance of building emotional bonds with children and how? Check out the article below, so you know the answer.

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The Importance of Building Bonds with Children

Building emotional bonds and relationships with children is very important. This can build a child's self-confidence and help children's social, emotional and cognitive development.

Quoted from, connection A warm, open, and communicative relationship between parents and children will increase the child's confidence and performance at school and in the environment. Children will also avoid negative things, such as depression.

In short, interactions between parents and children greatly affect the development and behavior of children. Parents are responsible for providing a safe environment and helping develop children's social and cognitive emotions by building a good emotional bond with their children.

How to Build Parent-Child Emotional Bonds

1. Expressing Love with Physical Touch

Channeling affection through physical touch has an important role in building emotional bonds between parents and children, you know. As children grow, physical touch between parents and children decreases. However, physical touch can deepen bonds and build trust.

In addition, by providing physical touch, children will learn to express their affection through actions. Physical touch that can be done can be in the form of hugs, kisses, stroking the head, and so on.

2. Listening to Children's Stories without Judging

If children have great trust in their parents, they will tell their parents all the problems they are experiencing. That's when parents can build an emotional bond with their child.

When children tell stories, parents must listen to them first. Let the child express everything that is on his mind. Don't interrupt or judge him. (

When the child has finished telling the story, begin to show empathy with what he feels. If the child makes a mistake, try to give understanding to the child and explain where the error is. Also ask if the parents can do something for him.

By providing such emotional support, children will feel that their parents will always be there for them.

3. Spending Time With Kids

How to Build Emotional Bonds with Children

Even though they are busy at work, parents still have to make time for their children. Try to make special time for children on the sidelines of busyness. Don't make appointments on the weekends and invite your children to play or tell stories. In this way the closeness of parents and children will be created.

Children are often closed and feel awkward in front of their parents. This can happen because parents are too busy with their work and forget time for their children. parents!

4. Eat Together

One way to spend time with children can be done by always eating with family, you know Dear parents!

Based on research, children who regularly eat with their parents will have good physical and mental health. Therefore, set a rule to eat together at breakfast in the morning or at dinner.

When eating, try to provoke children to talk about their daily activities. Parents can also talk about their problems with their children. Make the dining table as a tool to strengthen your relationship, yes.

5. Prioritize Children's Time

Prioritize time with your children. When parents make an appointment to take their children on vacation or buy toys. Keep that promise.

Build children's trust by always keeping promises that have been made. Children's memory is very strong, you know. They will tend to remember things that have been promised to them.

In addition, children must have special moments in their lives, be present at moments such as birthdays, children's first day of school, children's graduation day, and others. Make children your top priority.

6. Chatting Before Sleeping

How to Build Emotional Bonds with Children

Much like eating together, bedtime can be the best way to hear your child's story. Try to accompany the child before bed, read a fairy tale or just accompany him before bed.

After that, make the children talk about their daily lives. What made him happy today. What made him sad or angry today. With good two-way communication, children will feel valued.

7. Mutual Respect

Not only parents deserve to be respected. Children also need to be respected. Mutual respect and respect can make the relationship between children and parents more harmonious.

When your child makes a mistake, try not to yell or yell at the child. Giving a reprimand in this way will only make the child angrier. Give directions to the child calmly and lovingly.

Mutual respect can be done by teaching children to say "thank you", "sorry" and "please". Also give examples of such behavior while at home.

Also Read: Can Parents Know Their Children's Privacy? Here's the Answer!

Building emotional bonds with children is important because the relationship between parents and children also provides an overview of how children interact with those around them.

In addition to building emotional bonds, parents also need to provide financial education to their children. Managing finances also needs to be done as early as possible, you know. To help manage finances, you can use Whiz Finance App. There are many interesting features that you can use.