how to change yourself for the better

8 How to Change Yourself Into A Better Person

How to Change Yourself Into A Better Person – Every human being wants to live life with the best version of themselves. However, life does have many challenges. We are required to face it with various strengths and weaknesses.

We cannot deny that we often get carried away by emotions and do things that are not good, such as speaking harshly, being light-handed, and so on. A bad habit like the previous example is certainly done accidentally and will cause disputes with other people. However, humans still always have a chance to fix it.

Let's look at ways to change yourself into a better person through the following explanation!

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8 How to Change Yourself Into A Better Person

There are many ways to change yourself for the better. Of course, it depends on each individual. This time, there are several ways to change yourself for the better that Whizmin has summarized from the Healthline and Kompas pages. Come on, read the explanation!

1. Enough Sleep

how to change yourself for the better

Having enough sleep can change you for the better, you know. Usually, less rested people will be more emotional, so they have good self-control.

Therefore, try to sleep for seven to eight hours per night. Not only do you have to have a sufficient duration of time, but you are also advised to have good quality sleep, for example, by not drinking too much coffee, not playing with gadgets before bed, and taking a shower with warm water.

2. Be Kind To Yourself

Everyone must be taught to do good to others. However, when doing so, sometimes we forget to be kind to ourselves. We must be kind to ourselves. Why? Because being kind to yourself is proof that we value ourselves. Of course, this attitude can foster feelings of self love.

Being kind to yourself can start with rewarding yourself when you succeed in achieving something you have dreamed of since a long time ago. You don't have to buy expensive things. You can rest or relax as a form self-reward.

You can channel that positive energy to others by being kind to yourself.

3. Spend Digital Detox

how to change yourself for the better

The all-digital era only sometimes leads to positive things. Especially with the existence of social media that seizes the public's attention, most people spend time using social media.

Now, people are often preoccupied with playing handphone all day. More precisely, they access social media with different content. Spending our time playing on social media too much will waste our time.

Try to do a digital detox. That way, you chat a lot and socialize in real terms with the people around you. In addition, concentration will increase, and you can do other more valuable things.

4. Say hello or Smile At People Around You

The following way is to greet or smile at the people around you. This way, you will spread positive energy toward yourself and those around you.

In addition, by greeting or smiling at other people, you can be more connected with others, even if you don't know them closely. What's wrong with saying "hello" or "good morning" to people? Try to be more humble with the people around you!

5. Trying to Think Positive

how to change yourself for the better

This method is still related to the previous points. Indeed, it is proven that positive thinking can impact everything. One of them is better self-sustainability.

When we think positively, we can think about all matters with a clear mind so that we are not careless when making decisions because negative and stacked thoughts will affect every decision you make, you know, including the words and deeds you will do.

Thus, at least yesterday, positive thinking is an effort to improve ourselves.

6. Fighting Fear and Anxiety

It seems that all human beings have experienced fear and anxiety. However, there are times when you have to be brave to fight back!

Fear and anxiety are natural for humans. This indicates that the human instinct is to defend oneself from danger.

However, sometimes fear comes from our minds. Not from the reality that is or will be lived. For that, let's start fighting your fear and anxiety! Increase your confidence to make yourself even better!

7. Empathize with Fellow Living Beings

how to change yourself for the better

Realizing that we don't just live alone in the world is a must. Humans live side by side with other humans—also side by side with other creatures, namely animals and plants.

Doing good to fellow living things doesn't require you to be very rich; you can help them. However, doing good can be done by making fellow beings feel happy. We will get many benefits by empathizing with and loving animals, plants, and people.

Start a simple step for doing it. For example, you give food to street cats, remove tree branches from the road, and take care of the plants you have.

8. Always be Grateful

During life, of course, we have many experiences. Of course, the experience was only sometimes happy. Sometimes, this will also be the cause of our sadness.

Something unexpected happens, disaster strikes, or other sad things we can experience while living life. To unravel that sadness, we must be wise in managing our feelings. To start with, change your mindset that every incident must have a solution and a lesson that we can take.

With this mindset, you will be more grateful for everything that has happened. Besides being able to change yourself for the better, being grateful can provide positive energy to the people around you.

Also Read: How to Manage Stress and Negative Emotions

So, those are eight ways to change yourself for the better. You can adjust these methods for yourself. You also must have methods other than those described by Whizmin. For that, let's start applying these methods in everyday life!