How to Increase Children's Learning Motivation

Improving Children's Learning Motivation, How To Do It?

How to Increase Children's Learning Motivation – Children must often feel lazy to do school assignments, either because they are busy playing or they don't have enthusiasm. As parents, we must ensure that our children complete their learning obligations.

Well, parents must be able to motivate children to be enthusiastic about doing their tasks. Motivating is not done by force, yes, Parents! If done by forcing, instead of being motivated, children will become even more lazy and can even hate learning. Therefore, parents must have positive ways to increase children's learning motivation.

How to? Let's see some ways to improve children's learning motivation based on the following Oxford Learning.

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7 Ways to Increase Children's Learning Motivation

1. Find out the problems experienced by children

How to Increase Children's Learning Motivation

Children may not be motivated to learn for several reasons. To increase children's learning motivation, parents must first know the root of the problem experienced by the child. By knowing the problem, parents can help to overcome it.

What are the problems experienced by the children?

Everyone has their own problems, including children. If the child is lazy to study, it may be because he does not understand the material presented by the teacher, has anxiety about school or his friends at school, the assignments given are not in accordance with the child's abilities, and so on.

2. Trying Different Learning Techniques

How to Increase Children's Learning Motivation

Every child must have a technique in learning, there is no "one size fits all" term. If the child has problems in learning, it could be because the method being taught is not in accordance with the child's learning style so that he cannot understand the material being taught.

Try different learning techniques that best suit your child's learning style.

3. Providing Children's Learning Needs

To motivate children to learn, parents need to provide for their children's learning needs. Starting from a quiet and distraction-free room, food and soft drinks to accompany children to study, complete school supplies, and others.

By providing children's learning needs will make children more comfortable. In addition, children cannot use the lack of learning facilities as an excuse to be lazy to study.

4. Make a Study Plan Together

Creating a regular study plan will help your child to be disciplined while studying. Sit down with your child and make a study plan with them. Plan a schedule, such as what time to start studying, how much time it will take, how long to take breaks, and what tasks to prioritize.

By involving children in making study plans, children will feel responsible and more adhere to the plans that have been made together.

5. Don't Focus Only On Values

Instead of focusing solely on grades, try to celebrate your child's achievements in learning, both big and small.

When your child solves a complex math problem, or when he finishes writing the first draft of an essay, praise his efforts and accomplishments. That way, learning will be more fun for children and parents can help increase their learning motivation.

6. Make Goals Small with Children

Inviting children to set small goals can provide clear direction on what to do when learning. In addition, when the child is able to achieve the agreed goals, the child's confidence will increase.

What are the learning objectives that can be done? Parents can create personal tasks such as reading a chapter from tomorrow's book, completing 5 practice questions, making study notes, and so on.

7. Giving Rewards For Children's Hard Work

When the child is successful in doing the learning task, the child will feel happy if the parent gives praise or even a reward for the child's efforts.

Creating a reward system for children's efforts can motivate children when learning. The prizes you get don't need to be extravagant, just simple things, such as being able to play games for a long time, buying toys, or it can be in the form of points that are collected after each study. The points can be used for something special.

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