Fun Ways to Learn with Children: Anything, huh?

Every child has a different style and ability to learn. However, of course all children like to do exciting and fun things in their daily lives. This time, we have prepared some fun learning tips with children that you can use!

Fun Ways to Learn with Children

1. Prepare a Study Room or Place

One effective way of learning is when the baby is in a comfortable room. This of course also applies to everyone, including children. Therefore, prepare a special place or room for them to study. Make the place comfortable for them and maybe you can give them the option to put up decorations that can help them get excited about learning.

You can move items that are not important in their learning to another place. Then, design the place by adding interesting ornaments such as pictures on the walls or unique paintings. A comfortable and conducive place will more effectively support children's enthusiasm for learning.

2. Prepare Stationery

In addition to providing a comfortable place for children to learn, stationery is no less important in their learning process. The thing that needs to be done for parents is to prepare stationery such as pencils, pens, erasers, colored pencils, rulers, crayons, notebooks, drawing books, and so on.

In addition, you can also provide interesting writing tools and with pictures or designs that attract children's attention so that they are happy to use them during learning. Prepare the equipment in one place so that the child can easily find it. Thus, children are certainly excited to write, draw and express their broad creativity.

3. Prepare Children's Favorite Snacks

fun way to learn with kids

In an effort to persuade children to want to learn, you can prepare their favorite snacks to eat between classes. By serving their favorite snacks or food, they can be more enthusiastic and active in learning.

This method may have been done by many parents so that their children are enthusiastic about learning. Well, from time to time, of course children will feel bored and bored while studying. To anticipate this, the menu of favorite snacks provided can eliminate the boredom. As a result, children will be happier and more comfortable while learning, right!

4. Give a Gift

Giving gifts to children when they achieve their learning targets or excel in school can be a strong impetus for them to continue to study hard.

The gifts can be in the form of toys, vacations, or even extra time playing gadgets or games video games which they like. Thus, the baby has more incentives to learn, excel, and is enthusiastic in achieving his desires.

Read also: The Role of Parents in Studying at Home, What Are?

5. Make a Study Agenda

Agenda or study routine is an important aspect of learning to do. To maintain consistency and routines for studying at home, it's a good idea for you and your child to arrange a study agenda together, according to a mutual agreement.

By making it based on a shared decision, the child can determine their own play and study time and make them more responsible for their own time choices.

At first, of course, the agenda will not run smoothly directly. Some times they will feel lazy or easily bored in learning time. Therefore, help them patiently and provide incentives as previously mentioned.

6. Learn How to Learn Kids

Reading characters is one of the most important aspects of knowing what learning methods are effective for your child.

Keep in mind, every child has their own way of learning. Therefore, approach children and learn how they learn. Pay attention to what lessons you like and don't like. You will see your child is more dominant or interested in certain areas. Knowing your child's character will help them succeed in the future.

7. Don't Force Them To Learn

When a child feels controlled, or out of control in terms of education, they often withdraw from learning and associate learning with negative emotions.

It is important for parents to guide children through the learning process, but it is also important to give children some control over their own learning experience. Whether at home, or in the classroom, give children the ability to provide direct input into learning choices.

A good way to do this is to give children choices. For example, when assigning a writing project, let children choose a topic to write about and express their creativity according to their wishes and what is in their minds.

After reading some fun ways to learn with children, of course you will have a better understanding in dealing with the teaching and learning process of children at home. In addition to learning about the subjects at school, there is another lesson that is no less important, namely financial education.

You can apply all of the methods above into the process of financial education for children with the help of the Whiz application which has various features that can help you succeed in educating children about finance!