How to learn to quickly understand and remember

Today's students have difficulty learning during a pandemic. Children who used to study together with their teachers and friends were forced to study alone at home. With different learning situations and environments, they need time to adapt or find ways to learn to quickly understand new ones.

Well, this time we have compiled several methods or ways to learn to quickly understand and remember which hopefully can help you in teaching your children to be able to keep up with learning at school. Check out the following explanation.

Ways to Learn

How to learn to quickly understand and remember

1. Understand Information

When learning, the first thing to do is understand the important information from the material. The more organized and reasonable the information obtained, the easier it is for children to digest and understand the information. If you do not understand the material being studied, look for other material that uses language that is easier to memorize.

2. Connect Information

Connect the information you are trying to understand. Relationships with information are more difficult with material than other concepts. Think about how to relate the material. You can write the gist with small notes, underline important things, to create a mind map or mapping that connects the material.

3. Knowledge Test

Then, you can give a test to the child to see how far he understands the material that has been studied. This test should not be treated like a formal test at school. Give them the understanding that this test is only useful for showing their abilities, and from the wrong questions, they will be solved together after this test session is over.

4. Create Material Groupings

To help them understand and remember the material they have learned, you can create groupings of material, a fairly simple memorization strategy. For example, you need to remember four farm animals, namely chickens, cows, goats, and sheep. Try to figure out how to connect the four flowers in memory. For example, by making an abbreviation for the name DASK (sheep, chicken, cow, goat). These abbreviations can help children memorize important points that they must remember to solve a problem.

Read also: Fun Ways to Learn with Children: Anything, huh?

5. Visual and Spatial Techniques

This next learning method involves the five senses as you will train the child to use pictures, songs, feelings and the body to remember information. There are various approaches to using this technique as a fun and creative way of learning. Visual techniques are useful for improving long-term memory. In addition, they can focus and pay attention to information and materials when studying. This technique also helps remember material that requires detail.

6. Create a Study Schedule

Use a calendar and mark each day and date when your child will study. You can buy them memos to add to their study schedule and what material needs to be studied for the day, or you can download a reminder app for them. With a study schedule, they will be trained for discipline, planning, and learning endurance.

7. Reduce Distraction when Studying

So that learning time is not wasted, you should ask your child to stay away from distractions such as cellphones or other devices so as not to interfere with your teaching and learning process. If you use the application to study, it's a good idea to temporarily turn off all notifications that are not related to the learning process. Cell phones can reduce the time and intensity of learning.

8. Expand Learning Resources

How to learn to quickly understand and remember

Learning can not only be done in front of material books and notebooks. There are many learning resources that can be used to facilitate the entry of material into the realm of understanding and memory of a child. Starting from video games, television shows about learning, documentaries, to explanatory videos on the internet, all of this can be a source of new knowledge for them.

Therefore, start familiarizing your children from an early age to access child-friendly sources of knowledge on the internet and get them used to seeking knowledge on their own through these channels.

Read also: Improving Children's Learning Motivation, How To Do It?

9. Repeat the material that has been learned

After studying and testing it with tests, try to help your child conceptualize learning from working memory to child's long-term memory. This concept makes learning information easy to remember and repeat. Repetition assertively helps to enter information in memory.

10. Take regular breaks

All children have their own resilience and motivation to learn. If forced to study in a set time that they cannot keep up with, they will tire easily and tend to avoid studying because each time they study, they become too tired to do anything else afterward.

Therefore, adjust children's study hours to their individual abilities and needs to maximize their learning process at home.

There are several ways to learn to quickly understand which can be followed to make it easier for your child to study at home. Hopefully some of them can help you become a reliable teacher in educating children at home and help them achieve their goals

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