how to manage stress and negative emotions

How to Manage Stress and Negative Emotions Within

How to Manage Stress and Negative Emotions - We feel stress infrequently. Multiple tasks, complicated thoughts, and unexpected problems can be the cause. The psychology dictionary defines stress as pressure, tension, and conflict. Stress has an impact on negative emotions.

So, why do we like to feel stressed and surrounded by negative emotions? Because feelings like that quickly arise when we are feeling stressed about something. For example, you feel stressed because of work that is piling up or even being scolded by your boss. 

Of course, piled-up problems will make you easily angry with everyone without exception. However, what are the other adverse effects of stress? Check out the explanation below!

Negative Impact of Stress

how to manage stress and negative emotions

1. Declining Physical Health

Stress is included in mental illness. However, it also harms physical health.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, stress impacts overall physical health, such as thinning hair leading to baldness, oral thrush, asthma, risk of diabetes due to reduced insulin production, cardiovascular disease, decreased immunity, and decreased function of the reproductive organs.

Not only that, but stress will also cause prolonged headaches. Stress is also caused by the many thoughts that accumulate. 

2. Insomnia

negative impact of stress

In addition to disturbing physical health, stress can make it difficult for someone to fall asleep. People who have high-stress levels will feel restless, so it is not calm to close their eyes. 

People under stress will feel awake from sleep because they don't stop thinking. Therefore, they will always think about the problem without feeling tired or sleepy.

3. Triggers of Depression

Prolonged and chronic stress will trigger depression. The symptoms will be more severe than stress.

At first, they will feel mild depression. From drug abuse, low self-esteem, being easily offended, and having no motivation, even to commit suicide. 

Therefore, stress must be treated as soon as possible so that it is not sustainable and causes depression, which can negatively impact oneself.

4. Irregular Menstruation

negative impact of stress

Stress is defined as the presence of pressure or tension felt by someone. For women, it can cause irregular menstruation. The menstrual cycle will be disrupted due to various stresses. 

Stress will make hormones fluctuate so that the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Some have not menstruated for some time.

5. Impaired Memory and Concentration

Stress does not only interfere with one's physical health and lifestyle. However, stress can also interfere with a person's ability to work. 

Someone who is stressed will feel a disturbance of concentration. This is, of course, caused by thoughts that accumulate so they cannot focus on one thing.

In addition, their ability to remember things also decreased. A stressed person will easily forget something he just got because he is distracted by what is inside their mind.

Then, how do we avoid stress and feel those negative impacts? Well, you need to manage stress and emotions. Here are some ways. Come on, check it out!

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How to Manage Stress and Emotions

1. Love Yourself

how to manage stress and emotions

Many people say to love themselves before loving others. It turns out the sentence is true! 

Loving yourself means you accept everything that is in you. Both your strength and even your flaws. This is because people who can accept their strengths and weaknesses will find it easier to control their emotions when they are sad, angry, or disappointed.

So, let's start loving ourselves so you can control your emotions even better!

2. Rest

There are times when you need to take a break from hectic activities. You can laze on your couch or bed all day long. It's not a problem! As long as after that, you promise to be productive again.

Rest also proves that we don't have to be so hard on ourselves that we forget about our mental and physical health.

Not only from your routine activities. You can also take a break by stopping to play social media. Of course, it takes work to start. However, you will feel the effects after giving yourself a break.

3. Talking to Others

talk to other people

One of the causes of stress is harboring feelings of being alone. By telling it to others, you can let go of the burden you are feeling.

Talking to other people is optional for everyone. However, you can speak to people who are close and whom you trust. However, if you don't trust him enough, you can immediately tell a psychologist for further action.

4. Exercise regularly

exercise regularly

Exercise not only makes the body healthier, you know. However, exercise can also relieve stress. The reason is that the muscles of the body will be more relaxed, and the mind will be distracted, so the mood will be much better. 

You don't need heavy exercise! Just do a simple exercise, such as jogging and cycling. For starters, you can spend a short time. Try to exercise for a few minutes, about 20-25 minutes. However, do it regularly until you get used to it.

5. Meditation

Apart from exercise, you can also do meditation or yoga for 10-15 minutes. In one week, try to meditate or do yoga 4-5 times to calm your mind.

By meditating, stress hormones such as cortisol will decrease so that the mind and mood will be much calmer.

6. Focus on the Present

Usually, events that make us sad will be challenging to forget. It will sometimes interfere with our activities. However, stay caught up in that event for a short time. 

Embed believe within that you have to focus on the present. Live your life now, and don't worry too much about what will happen next. With a believe like that, positive thoughts will positively influence your future life. 

7. Do Fun Activities

The next way is to do fun activities for you, such as gardening, fishing, cooking, painting, or cleaning the house. 

By doing so, the happy hormone dopamine will make you more relaxed and comfortable with activities. You can do whatever activities as long as they are positive and do not cause new problems.

8. Apply a Healthy Lifestyle

adopt a healthy lifestyle

You can also manage stress and emotions by adopting a healthy lifestyle, such as eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, and not consuming alcohol and illegal drugs.

A healthy lifestyle will affect physical and mental health. So, pay attention to the lifestyle that you apply every day. If it's not right, try to fix it immediately before it's too late.

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So, those are some of the adverse effects of stress and how to manage them. Don't let stress drag on or even get worse. 

If the ways of managing stress and negative emotions above don't work for you, don't hesitate to consult with experts, such as psychologists or psychiatrists.