how to save in fasting month

7 Ways to Save in Whiz Fasting Month

How to save in the month of fasting – Expenditures in the month of fasting can be reduced because we do not need to eat as much as usual months. Well, this can be an opportunity to save in the fasting month.

Even so, of course there are expenses that only occur during the fasting month, for example buying parcels, giving THR, and celebrating Eid. No need to worry, Whiz has 7 ways to save in the month of fasting that you can do!

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7 Ways to Save in the Month of Fasting

saving in the month of fasting

Here are ways to save in the month of fasting that you can do:

1. Make a Budget for the Needs During the Month of Fasting

There is a possibility that spending in the month of fasting decreases due to changes in the number of daily needs. So that we know for sure what needs we need and how much it costs, we must make a budget for needs during the fasting month.

This way, you can see what expenses you can save on. You can also determine how much money you need to spend in a day.

2. Set aside 10% from the daily shopping budget every day

Previously we have determined the required daily expenses. Next, we can set aside 10% from the daily allowance for savings. At first glance 10% seems like a small amount, but if you do it consistently every day, it will accumulate quite a lot of money at the end of the month.

3. Avoid Breaking Together Outside

The invitation to break the fast together outside will often come during the fasting month. This iftar event is usually held not only to eat, but also to establish friendship and intimacy with friends.

Even so, the costs incurred to eat out are greater than cooking at home. If we want to save, we must reduce our participation in breaking the fast together, so that the money can be saved.

4. No Need To Give Parcel

When Eid is approaching, usually many people start preparing parcels to give to friends or family. Not infrequently, we spend quite a lot of money to buy parcels.

If you want to save, it's best not to give away the parcel and save the money for savings.

5. Cook Fasting Meals at Home

By cooking meals for sahur and iftar at home, you can already save a lot of money Curious on how to do it? You can see various interesting recipes on Whiz also! Besides being cheap, cooking your own food ensures the quality of the food you eat. Try practicing at home and feel the benefits for yourself!

6. Celebrate Lebaran Simple

Eid is synonymous with great festivities to celebrate the end of the month of Ramadan. Starting from various choices of Eid food and pastries, family get-togethers, distribution of THR, and visiting neighbors.

Not a little money that needs to be prepared for these activities. If you want to save, you should celebrate Eid in a simple way. No need to cook various side dishes or buy a lot of Eid cakes, choose a few that are indeed your favourites.

7. THR Money Savings

Every month of fasting or during Eid, we usually receive THR money (Tunjangan Hari Raya) from the office or from relatives. You can set aside half of the money or even all of it for savings.

Also Read: 6 Ways to Introduce Religious Events to Children

Those are 7 easy and useful ways to save in the month of fasting. Hopefully in this fasting month we will be able to manage our finances more wisely.

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