influencer influence on purchasing decisions

8 Influencers' Influence on Purchasing Decisions

Influencers' Influence – In this modern era where people use social media constantly, everybody, a marketing specialist using influencers as their marketing strategy is no longer an optional tactic but a priority market channel. This strategy is a much-needed strategy, Whizmates. This is because an influencer's influence on social media marketing greatly influences consumer purchasing decisions.

Even though the recommendations come from other people, the influence of these influencers tends to make consumers trust the recommended product more.

Interesting right? For that, you need to understand influencers' influence on purchasing decisions. Come on, read this article!

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What are Influencers?

At least you've heard the term "influencer" on social media, right, Whizmates? But what is the true meaning?

an Influencer is a person or figure in social media with a large or significant number of followers. Thus, what they convey has the power to influence the behavior of their followers.

The character of the influencers themselves must match the products they carry. If the audience feels interested in the influencer, it will be easy to persuade them.

Influencers who are usually busy among the public must also be people who already have good credit to influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Then, what is the measure of an influencer having good credibility? You can see this size and value from the clarity of the product being presented, namely in the form of video, photo and audio content.

These influencers must convince the audience about the benefits, product advantages, price compatibility, to purchasing channels you can find to get the product.

8 Influencers' Influence on Social Media

Here are eight influencers on social media that you can find in marketing a product.

1. Increasing Brand Awareness

The influence of the influencer is to increase brand awareness among the audience. This is undeniable, yes, Whizmates.

If you use influencers as a product marketing strategy on social media, your product will become increasingly known to the broader community.

Followers of these influencers can learn more about your brand, identity, solutions, quality, and more from your products.

2. Build Trust Prospective Buyers

Influencers who already have credibility will quickly gain the trust of their followers. This is because influencers themselves have maintained and built relationships with their followers.

So this makes followers of these influencers respect the content and recommendations provided more than other sources. So, your product will also be trusted by the influencer's followers.

3. Word of Mouth Sales

Have you ever had Whizmates recommend a product to other friends? If so, you can usually convince friends because you've seen recommendations from influencers.

As quoted from Forbes, influencers influence purchasing decisions by word of mouth.

4. Enrich Content

Influencers can help fill in the blanks when you run out of ideas. So, you can share content that influencers have created or re-upload it on social media pages.

Usually, influencers will create content that suits them. You only need to provide the product you want to promote.

This content can certainly influence people's purchasing decisions, because of the influencer's ability to convince the superiority of the products or solutions offered.

5. Powerful Approach With Consumers

Using influencers is a powerful approach to reaching new consumers in purchasing decisions.

The key is knowing the target audience of the products you offer and collaborating with influencers that are in line with the target customers.

6. Increase Engagement Rate

Influencers who create product content can upload it on your social media pages. This will get the audience's attention to give likes, comments, and shares and save content from the products you sell because of influencers' influence.

7. Increase Sales

The more people who know about your product, the higher the sales you will get.

8. Evaluation of Marketing Strategy

In addition to the influence mentioned earlier, using an influencer's impact can also help you evaluate the brand so that the next campaign can be done even better so that the audience is more interested in buying the product.

Also Read: What is Social Comparison? Let's Get to Know It!

After reading this article, do you understand the influence of influencers on purchasing decisions? Whizmates can try to use influencers to promote the brand that you have so much more stand-out stand-out and steal consumers' attention, yes! Good luck!

Of course, if Whizmates wants to start a career as an influencer, it's a good idea to equip yourself with sufficient financial literacy. If, for this matter, you can make the Whiz Financial App. your financial literacy study partner. Try downloading the application. Come on!