Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Virtual Influencers – Of course, you are no stranger to the fact that in the era of increasingly rapid technological advances, robots have replaced the role of humans. Unexpectedly, they become artists on social media too. Finally, a new term, virtual influencers (after this referred to as VI), also appeared.

Well, what is the difference between influencers EARNING influencers EARNING virtual influencers ? Curious? Come on, without further ado, read this article!

Read also: What is an Influencer? Let's Get to Know It!

Definition of Virtual Influencers

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!
Source: suara.com

Virtual influencers (VI) are products produced from a computer machine. They are controlled by humans and their teams behind the scenes. In general, this VI is an avatar or robot with human-like intelligence.

Most of them have a human-like appearance, demeanor, and personality. Starting from how to interact, display, and so on. It's just that the characters that appear in this VI aren't actual humans. They are characters created by humans to be influencers.

Their strengths and advantages must be considered in the marketing industry because they have a large following. Just try to see Instagram accounts like @lilmiquela and @imma.gram. They are VI with 2 million followers (Lil Miquela) and 403 thousand (Imma Gram).

This is a golden opportunity for a local to be famous because the company of the local can invite them to work together to market new products from that brand.

What are the Duties of a Virtual Influencer?

Source: sputniknews.com

From the explanation above, they don't exist, do they? Then, how do they work? What is their job?

You should know that behind them are individuals who are very literate with technology. These individuals control the VI's social media and create virtual influencers.

A scientific journal titled Virtual Influencers: Is The Persona Trustworthy by Rafki Chandra Wibawa stated that several people were behind the scenes in VI. These people can be up to 20 people. However, this can vary from each VI.

Usually, they consist of people with various skills. For example, there is a role for 3D scanning, 3D modeling, design, cinematography, motion capture, director of photography, art, and communications specialist for director of branding.

Well, the team created the life of the VI. They were even able to release a single or a song. That way, eventually, they'll be recognized internationally quickly.

These intellectual individuals also decide with whom these VIs interact, mingle, and collaborate on social media. They can also earn income from the local they collaborate with. The income will later be accommodated by the people behind the VI.

You must also be surprised why VI likes walking and sightseeing in Instagram posts? Yes, it's all because there are content creators with editing skills to create a life of the VI.

So, in conclusion, the task of VI is similar to human influencers in general. They can influence and market products to their audience and followers. They can also travel the world like influencers on social media.

So, is there any specific explanation regarding the difference between influencers EARNING virtual influencers ?

Of course, there is. Come on, look again at the following explanation.

Influencers VS Virtual Influencers

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Generally, the difference between influencers and virtual influencers lies in their form or physique. As we know, influencers are figures who can influence the audience or society and have many followers on social media.

Meanwhile, as already explained, virtual influencers are robots or avatars that can imitate the life of influencers . They are computer-generated or CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery).

Advantages of Using Influencers Services

1. Effectively Reaching Audiences

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

If you choose influencers correctly, you can reach an audience relevant to your target market. The followers of the influencers will be interested in your local and you can benefit significantly from the collaboration.

2. Increasing Brand Awareness

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Brand awareness is a term used to indicate how your local is known by the public. By collaborating with the influencers of your choice, your local can get exposure to the followers of the influencers .

3. Building Brand Trust

In general, if you collaborate with influencers, the audience's trust in your localcan immediately improve. This is, of course, because of the exciting content created by influencers and engagement from the influencers you want to collaborate with.

Advantages of Using Virtual Influencers Services

1. More Easily Manageable

Compared to ordinary people, computer technology can be more regulated (flexible) according to the terms and conditions you give as a client. So you can be more satisfied with the results offered.

2. Unrelated to Certain Reputation

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Usually, there are influencers with a good reputation. They are heavily considered to market or promote a local. However, sometimes when they are involved in a scandal, their reputation goes down in the eyes of the audience. Cases like this will also impact the local they are promoting.

As a businessman, you will also be disadvantaged if you choose those influencers because it will affect your local. Then, choosing VI is the right path. You will avoid problems that affect your brand's reputation. Therefore, it's easier and more effective to collaborate with them.

3. Saving Budget

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Compared to promotional services by influencers, VI is cheaper because CGI used to create and edit characters can significantly cut costs. So, you can try it for those with a minimal budget using promotional services via VI.

Disadvantages of Using Influencers Services

1. Low Effort

Some influencers just accept every offer of collaboration. Usually, they get tempted by the income or offer from the client.

That way, it results in them not fully understanding the concept of your local, so the content created is not following the terms and conditions you provide.

2. Unclear Agreement

Many of the influencers stipulate a less clear agreement with the client. This needs to be communicated better between clients and influencers, especially the schedule for uploading content. Even though it looks trivial, this problem is crucial because the posting schedule will significantly affect the client's business.

So, pay close attention to each party's rights and obligations, range of period, scope, etc. That way, no party is harmed.

3. Dependency on Reputation

an Influencer is an ordinary human. They can make a mistake at any time. Usually, if they have done something wrong, it isn't easy to clear their reputation. It's also risky when you contract with them, but they're suddenly in trouble.

Therefore, this will significantly affect your local. So, be careful in choosing influencers.

Disadvantages of Using Virtual Influencers Services

1. Shrinking Job Opportunities

In the next few years, high-achieving models or influencers will get replaced by virtual influencers in promoting a local. This, of course, will significantly affect the careers of human models out there.

2. Unreal

One of the main goals of influencers promoting a brand is so that the audience or followers also put their trust and hopes in the influencers . Of course, they hope that what is advertised is honest and has good value to the influencers.

As a VI, they certainly don't use the product provided by the client. Everything is just an edit from the great people behind it. So, how will the audience or consumers believe it?

So the conclusion is sophisticated influencers with robot technology still cannot beat human abilities. Even though they are far from making fatal mistakes, sometimes their appearance or the products they promote still cannot satisfy their audience or consumers.

3. Considered Toxic

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Almost all VIs are designed with a perfect physique. Society often compares their figure with those of the VIs. That way, many assume that they are considered toxic (have a destructive impact) to the audience.

They are considered to exemplify that a good body is like them.

However, it depends on each of us to respond. Suppose you are not affected by the physical perfection of VI. There's nothing to complain about, okay?

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How about this? Do you already understand the explanation of VI or virtual influencers ? Which one do you prefer? Whizmin here thinks that everything is fine between influencers and virtual influencers. Both of them have their advantages and disadvantages.