Economical Life When Living Alone that You Must Know!

Economical Life When Living Alone that You Must Know! – Being away from home requires us to take a boarding house. As the first step away from parents, we are educated to be independent. All the things that are usually done together at home, now have to be done alone. One of these things is managing finances.

When boarding, the money used for needs must match the income from pocket money from parents. Therefore, we must be able to be efficient in order to remain financially stable. How do you save money on costs? Here are tips for economical living in the style of boarding children that you should know! Read the explanation, yes!

Also Read: How to Manage the Finances of a Boarding Child

7 Tips for a Efficient Life Like a boarding house child

economical life like a boarding child

Manage Your Needs, Take Notes!

In order to be able to live economically, of course you have to know what your needs are while in the boarding house. Take into account your needs in advance during the cost. Also adjust your needs with the pocket money you have. Take note of your spending plan. When the money is issued, record the expenses as well. 

You must be diligent in making financial flows so that you can still control your finances. By taking notes, you can stop yourself from being extravagant. You can spend money on things you want, but don't let your needs be disturbed, OK! 

Lots of Walking

When you become a boarding house child, usually the distance from the boarding house to campus is quite close. However, for those who are not used to walking, sometimes online motorcycle taxis are a choice of transportation. If the distance from the boarding house to your campus still only takes 20 minutes, just walk. Healthy morning walk, you know! In addition to a healthy body, a healthy wallet too!

Save Water and Electricity

When boarding, sometimes electricity and water are not borne by the owner of the boarding house. That way, we have to pay our own water and electricity bills for our boarding house. So, be frugal in using water and electricity. Don't forget to turn off the switch on lights or electronic devices that you are not using. Also turn off all lights when traveling. Also use enough water by not turning the faucet full. Apart from being economical, it is also environmentally friendly!

Wash Your Own Clothes

When assignments, lectures, and campus activities are in abundance, sometimes you are lazy to wash your clothes. Actually, it's perfectly fine to use a laundry service. However, if you actually still have 1 hour to spare, it's better to wash your own clothes. You can save tens of thousands, you know! 

Cook by myself

If your boarding house is equipped with a communal kitchen or private stove, make the most of it! Did you know that buying basic food ingredients for one week is the same as eating out for one day? The savings are very far, lol! So, cook for your food needs.

Apart from studying life skills basic, namely cooking, you can also control your diet. Sometimes you can buy outside, really! However, if you have more time, you should just cook, OK! Your life can be healthier, expenses will also be economical.

Change Tube

When we buy something, we often have a change of change. Save the change in the piggy bank. Changes are usually forgotten, so when the piggy bank is full, you also get extra money. In addition, this piggy bank is also useful as your emergency fund. So, if there is something urgent, you can still use the money in the piggy bank just in case.

Say No to Early Month Splendor!

The most annoying disease of boarding children is the spree at the beginning of the month. Sometimes, when you receive a large monthly money, you unconsciously go crazy. Items that are not needed are bought, and eat on the spot fancy. If you've had a spree at the beginning of the month, it's unavoidable to be broke at the end of the month. Remember: hold on at the beginning of the month, be happy at the end of the month!

Also Read: How to save 500 thousand salary? Is it possible?

Those are tips for economical living like a boarding house child! For those of you who are boarding children, follow the methods above, OK! You can also manage your finances during boarding with the Whiz financial app, you know!