the reason people use online loans

The Reason People Use Online Loans: Why Is It Still Used?

Reasons People Use Pinjol – Day by day, more and more harmful things can happen to people who use online loan services, especially illegal online loans. High interest rates, threatened personal data security, and disturbed families are some of the reasons why Borrowing or Online Loans can be very detrimental.

As a financial application, Whiz certainly doesn't want you to be affected by loan losses. However, why are there still many people who use online lending services? What are the reasons people use Pinjol?

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Reasons People Use Pinjol

bad luck
A calculator over several documents and a notebook

Quoted from, Dr. Drajat Tri Kartono, a sociologist from Sebelas Maret State University, Surakarta, there are several reasons why people still use pinjol.

First, there is a knowledge gap regarding the dangers of online loans. Most borrowers do not know or understand the risks and dangers of borrowing money online, especially from illegal online loan services.

Second, according to Dr. Drajat Tri Kartono, the economic crisis can be an impetus for many people to borrow online to cover their needs. Moreover, because pinjol seems easy to do with simple requirements. Unfortunately, most people do not know the dangers and risks of online loans.

Third, he said that the lack of protection from the government, especially the OJK or the Financial Services Authority, was a big factor. As a result of the lack of protection from the OJK, many people still don't know about the dangers of online loans. As a result, many people find the online loan experience very detrimental.

How to Avoid Online Loans

After understanding the reasons why people use pinjol, of course we want to avoid that, right? But, how do you avoid illegal online loans? Let's see how the following.

Use Online Loan Services Registered at OJK

If you really need an online loan, you can use a loan application that is registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to avoid illegal loans that can harm you. If the pinjol application you are looking for is not registered with the OJK, you should not use the application to avoid unwanted things.

You also don't immediately trust a loan service provider with just a logo. Illegal lenders do not follow the procedures established by the OJK and do not have a clear legal entity. Therefore, it's a good idea to do some research and research on the online loan service application that you want to use.

Make a Monthly Budget List

To avoid a lack of money and use online loan services, it's a good idea to make a monthly budget list. Neatly recorded income and expenses, and a list of the needs you have will really help you in avoiding the need to use online loan services. Try to cut down on unnecessary expenses to maintain your financial health!

Live a Frugal Lifestyle

Saving is different from being stingy! Of course you need to spend money to meet your needs that are listed in your monthly budget list. However, that doesn't mean you can't buy things or do things you love, just limit and avoid impulsive shopping.

Distinguish Between Wants and Needs

To help compile a monthly budget list, it's a good idea to be able to distinguish between wants and needs. Sometimes we will try to rationalize our desire to appear as a need. Therefore, try to distinguish between the two.

That way, if you really want something, it's okay to keep that desire in your monthly budget list. However, it's limited!

Read also: Tips to Prevent Impulsive Buying in 30 Days

Remember, you have to be careful in using online loan services. To avoid borrowing, Whiz can help you manage finances, you know!