Are you a Newbie? This is how you play Mobile Legends!

How to Play Mobile Legends Do you know mobile battle royale Mobile Legends? Or have you ever played it? It is a game usually shortened as MLBB, Mobile Legends Bang Bang which nowadays has become mobile battle royale heavily invested by gamers of various ages and backgrounds. If you watch Mobile Legends websites, often through Social Media, you not need a long time to be able to play it, but how do you play Mobile Legends websites, for the newbies?

Whoever it is, they can be a pro player in pro player on Mobile Legends websites, even beginners,, . You have already known how to play it and made a good strategy. You can learn while playing, so you not be baggage for your teammates who have to carry you in their play.

The way to play Mobile Legends websites, is by pitting two teams to destroy the enemy while defending the enemy base.

So, how do you play Mobile Legends websites, for beginners so not become a burden? even though you are still a newbie, don’t worry! Follow these eight tips on how to play Mobile Legends websites, . Let's take a look!

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How To Play Mobile Legends websites,

1. Know All The This

how to play mobile legends

The first thing you have to know to play Mobile Legends websites, is to know all of the favorite This in there. Mobile Legends websites, has many heroes EARNING Skill specialization that are different from each other. newbies it is a must for you to know all of heroes for the sake of heroes for you to play. This specialization categorized the heroes into these classes.

  • Assasin: Assassin is a heroes hero that is relatively popular among gamers, because they have agility and effectiveness that are high while inflicting damage to their enemies. Some of these assassins are Alucard, Hayabusa, Fanny, Helcurt, Lancelot, and many more.
  • Marksman: heroes this hero is on par with assassin heroes, hero character heroes is easy to play and also important in a mobile legends battles. They are Bruno, Irithel, Lesley, Moskov, Roger, and more for example.
  • Mage: With their magic, hero mage can inflict damage to attack heroes opponents. Even some of these hero mage can deal significant damage but their defense are heroes, low. So, it is easy for the enemy to kill them. For example, they are Harley, Alice, Gord, Nana, Odette, etc.
  • Support: This one heroes mostly has a duty to accompany a marksman, platform for farming. and level up heroes the other hero in a team or usually is called a support. They are characters like Angela, Lolita, Rafaela, Estes, and Diggie. 
  • Fighters: if tank, works in the frontline, hero fighter, must ensure the route's safety and absorb the enemy's damage. Some of them are Zilong, Sun, Silvanna, etc.
  • Tank: the last tank. Tank is the most important role compared to mage heroes’ roles. They have high defense and can keep their team safe from their opponents’ attacks. These heroes are always on the frontline. They are Akai, Balmond, Franco, Hylos, Tigreal, and many more.

From some of those heroes categories, you can try heroes that is suitable for you and can be your mainstay when you play.

2. Master Your This Hero

In mobile battle royale game, teamwork is needed. So, a team must have at least five roles, is that is a tank, assassin, marksman, mage, and support to defeat their enemies. For that, after you decide heroesyou will play, you can train heroes according to their roles.

You can train heroes by customizing by clicking practice to learn their skills. You can also add battle spells to give Skill additional skills heroes will get stronger to cover their weaknesses.

3. Upgrade Emblems and Choose the right Item

The next step is to upgrade emblems to the more suitable one with heroes . You use a mage hero, for instance, so choose the emblem that is for mage. Remember to upgrade emblems as well heroes your hero, okay? You can can upgrades by using shards that you get from Battle Points (BP).

And, this BP you can buy using diamonds that you gain through in-game purchases. Now you can also buy the diamonds easily using WhizWhiz provides some item mobile battle royale that you can buy easily.

Other than the an emblem please choose an item hero that is suitable to their roles. For example, you play a heroes who is good at physical attack and use items that can enhance their ATK stats. These items you can buy using gold that you get each time you defeat minions and jungle creeps, destroy turret, , and don’t forget to loot the objectives, Whizmates.

4. Learn to Act According to The Map

The thing that beginners often ignore in playing Mobile Legends websites, is paying attention to the map on the screen's upper left. The map is beneficial in pinpointing where the friendly members and the enemies are, as well as the condition of each turret, you know!

When your Enemy's Turret. is under attack, a ping will appear, telling you and your team. So, you can go to the Enemy's Turret. at once and defend it to avoid destroying it by the opposite team. A map can also help you avoid sneak attacks deployed by your enemy. You can arrange a strategy to win and attack the enemy team simultaneously.

Map in Mobile Legends websites, is divided into several segments. They are Base, Lane, and Jungle. The base is your team's home base, and your enemy has it on the upper right, and lower left corner of the map.

Lane the route that minions It appears from the enemy base. But stay calm, to clog the minions’ moves. Enemy's Turret. that can deal with them. The jungle is an area infested by monsters you can attack to get extra HP, gold, or hero depending on your role.

5. Understanding The Position of The Role Heroes

The winning key of a battle in Mobile Legends, is positioning. Positioning Positioning is a strategy to configure your team and heroes position hero. The result of a battle will be heavily affected by the positioning strategy you and your team make.

Make a dynamic position that affects each other’s hero. For example, you have to know when to attack and fall back and take a distance when you are around the turret. turret.

6. Focus to Attack the enemy’s Turret

Do you know, Whizmates, the goal of this game is mobile battle royale the opponent’s Enemy's Turret. turret, not to kill heroes to win the battle. So, don’t make the same mistakes, okay? You can use the time efficiently if you focus on destroying their Enemy's Turret. t, instead of waiting for all of their heroes to die.

Therefore, to be able to destroy the turret, , first thing you can do is to attack their heroes guarding opponent Enemy's you can freely attack turret. To gain freedom in attacking it. It is better to do it together with your teammates, Whizmates. You can cooperate by employing diversion to the enemy when they drop their guard.

7. Use Turtles and Lord

There are two biggest monsters in Mobile Legends websites, that you have to know. They are turtles and lord. Turtles appears after three minutes and leaves after seven minutes of playing. By killing the turtles, your team can gain buff turtle while lord appears after a nine-minute game.

If you succeed in killing the lord, lord will fight with your team and open the chance to push Enemy's Turret. Using the turtles and lord can be one of the way to play Mobile Legends websites, and win the battle.

8. Cooperate With The Team

If Whizmates have already done the methods above, the next thing you do in Mobile Legends websites, is to cooperate with your team. The key of this game is actually cooperation. Even though some team members are not helpful and are just baggage, you still have to appreciate them and don't leave when the game is still going on.

Talk your strategy with your teammates using the Voice feature and chat in Mobile Legends.

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Those are some ways to mobile legends you can do as a newbie. Do you want to buy Diamonds, emblems, and hero skins? you can use to top up the voucher top up features in Whiz!