How to Create a Simple Daily Savings Chart

Daily Savings Table – Creating a daily saving table is one effective way to achieve your saving target. Saving certainly doesn't have to be done every month when we just get a salary or pocket money. However, saving can be done every day with a nominal that is not large.

In addition, creating a saving table is also not only to collect money for a specific purpose, FYI. But, that way, you can be more in the habit of setting aside money, so you can manage your finances well.

So, how do you create a saving table?

Eits, don't worry! Here Whizmin wants to give examples and tips so you can be consistent in saving. Come on, see the explanation!

Read also: 7 Ways to Overcome Laziness in Recording Financial Expenditures and Incomes!

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

1. Determine Your Table Type

Maybe some of you are still confused about how to make a saving table correctly. Basically, everyone creates a different type of saving table according to their abilities and needs.

For example, you have a target of saving 700 thousand in 1 month. That way, you can divide the daily nominal that must be set aside for 1 month so that your saving target is achieved.

The nominal amount should be adjusted to your ability, yes. Then, write the nominal division into the table. The following is an example of a saving table that you can create.

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

You can cross out one nominal if you have managed to save in one day. Whizmin advises, save from the smallest nominal first, yes.

Well, for those of you who are still in school, don't worry. You can create a saving table with a smaller nominal. An example is the table below.

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

2. Paste Table

Paste the table wherever you want. You can stick it on your desk, diary, or something else. This is a reminder for you to regularly save every day.

3. Prepare a Savings Place

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

After that, you can prepare a place to save. You can save in a piggy bank, purse, or in a small bag. It doesn't need to be expensive, just a place that can store your money properly and safely.

4. Start Saving

So, you can start your saving program according to the table that has been created. Don't forget to cross out the nominal in the table if you have set aside your money, OK? And so on until all the columns are crossed out and your saving is successful.

Consistent Saving Tips

1. Starting from a Small Nominal

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

If you are new to trying to save, start with a small nominal first. This is important because to get used to being consistent in saving on a daily basis.

For example, on the first day or the first few days you set aside IDR 10,000 in a day. But, later you can increase the nominal in the savings table gradually. Starting from IDR 10,000, IDR 15,000, IDR 20,000, and so on.

2. Make Financial Records

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

In saving, it is very important for you to make financial records. Starting from income and expenses, be it daily, weekly, or monthly. This is so that you can find out the total expenses. You can also determine which things are important and which are less important.

If you have trouble making financial records independently, you can use money management apps. Currently, there are several financial applications that can help you monitor your expenses and income. So, you can manage your finances well and safely.

Well, one of the financial applications that you can try is the Whiz App. Whiz app is a family app that brings Expense Info feature. This feature will record your total income and expenses for a month. That way, your transactions are properly recorded, ok!

3. Bringing supplies

How to Create a Daily Savings Table and Tips

One other consistent tip is to bring lunch every day. These tips are perfect for a student or employee. You can reduce your food expenses by bringing lunch. You can use the food expenses to save money.

4. Reduce Snacking and Shopping

Another suitable tip is to reduce snacks and shopping. Rarely do we realize that these two things are in fact the biggest sources of expenditure, making it difficult to save money. Shopping is indeed very addictive and interesting because of the many items on offer. However, this is just a wish.

Likewise with snacks. Even though snacking is fun and filling your stomach, frequent snacks only make your expenses explode. Well, therefore try to start getting used to being frugal. Limit your snacks and shopping. You can also refuse an invitation to hang out or hanging out from your friends.

5. Take advantage of discounts and promotions

Taking advantage of discounts and promos can also help you save, you know! Discounts and promos make you more efficient and can set aside your money to be directed to where you save.

6. Cultivate Patience

When saving, you also have to be patient. Be patient in refraining from spending your money on less important things. In addition, you also have to be patient in monitoring the development of your money. Saving does take time and is not instant so it requires a little patience.

Read also: 5 Benefits of Saving Tour Pocket Money: Don't Forget To Take Notes!

Well, that's how to create a saving table. How? Easy isn't it? Come on, start using the saving table from now on to make your saving process easier. Remember! save rich base. For that, let's start saving and saving from now on!

In addition to saving, you can also learn to save money by sharpening Skill your financial literacy FYI! No need to worry, now you can hone your financial literacy together the Whiz App. Come on, try to use Whiz right now!