The 10 Richest Provinces in Indonesia According to the Central Statistical Data Organization (BPS), there are ten wealthiest provinces in Indonesia based on their Regional income and spending Budget (APBD).
At this time, Jakarta sits in the first spot due to its Regional Budget in 2021 being IDR 72,18 trillion. But the wealthiest province is not in Java only. Where are the others? Let's read the complete list here!
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The 10 Richest Provinces in Indonesia
1. The Greater Jakarta

Greater Jakarta is one of the wealthiest provinces. How come it is not? Jakarta has the biggest budget for its Regional Income and Spending Budget (APBD) from year to year.
In 2019, the budget became IDR 62,3 trillion. While in 2020, it decreased to IDR 55,8 trillion. And then, in 2021, the budget rose again to IDR 72,18 trillion.
It is not surprising since Jakarta is the driving force in the national economy. From banking and foreign companies to the service and commodities sector. But, the most dominating sector so far is the service industry.
Greater Jakarta is an area that never sleeps. All activities keep circulating nonstop. Hence it becomes the biggest contributor to the National economy.
2. West Java

Move from Jakarta. West Java owns second place. In 2019, West Java had IDR 36,03 trillion in its budget. It had gotten less than IDR 34,5 trillion in 2020. And a year later, the budget increased to IDR 41,47 trillion in 2021.
It is not that surprising since there are five sectors that West Java can rely on to raise the economy at the National level. It is starting from ready-made clothes in the textile, chemical, herbal, metal, computer, electronics, machinery, and transportation industries.
Other than that, tourism is also one of the industries that support the existence of different economic sectors in West Java, like Tangkuban Perahu, Pangandaran Beach, Taman Safari Indonesia, and many more.
3. East Java
After West Java, come next is East Java, the third most prosperous province. Taking a look at its yearly budget in 2019, East Java's income was about IDR 33,45 trillion. And then, it decreased a little in 2020 to IDR 31,6 trillion. For the further decrease in 2021 to 31,2 trillion.
According to the head of regional development of East Java, Mohammad Yasin, the decrease in the provincial budget of East Java is not only because of the local income but also because of the fund given by the central government due to COVID-19.
Other than that, there is also a relatively considerable expense in the 2022 regional budget: employee shopping. But regardless of those, East java finally rose again through some of its flagship sectors like the food industry, infrastructures, agribusiness, oil, gas, and tourism.
4. Central Java
Central Java is the fourth most prosperous province in Indonesia. In 2019, its yearly budget was IDR 25,80 trillion. Then, it decreased a little in 2020 to IDR 25,39 trillion. That budget increased again in 2021 to IDR 26,7 trillion.
Central Java is popular with its flagship industries: agriculture and plantation, fishery and industry, and tourism. But, the most striking sector there is the agriculture and plantation. It starts from paddies, corn, rubbers, coffee, sugar cane, till cacao.
5. Papua

The fifth most prosperous province in Indonesia is not from Java Island this time but from Papua. In 2021, Papua's yearly budget was IDR 16,2 trillion. Unfortunately, it decreased to IDR 12,7 trillion in 2020. Then it increased again in 2021 to IDR 14,7 trillion.
Talking about Papua, the flagship sector must be the mining one. In Papua, the leading mining products are gold and copper. Papua is the biggest mining producer in the world.
But it is not only mining. Papua is also a province that is famous for producing wood. One of the woods from this province is timber wood. This wood usually is used to make window frames and doors.
6. Aceh
Besides Papua and Java Island regions, the sixth place is owned by Aceh, a province on Sumatra Island. In 2019, Aceh had IDR 15,7 trillion as a budget. Then it decreased to IDR 14,4 trillion in 2020 and continued to IDR 13,8 trillion in 2021.
Aceh Province has the upper hand in the mining sector. It has oil and natural gas, gold, and coal. It is the biggest natural gas producer, specifically in Lhokseumawe.
7. North Sumatra

Other than Aceh, there is also North Sumatera that sits on the seventh rank of the richest province in Indonesia. In 2019, Selain Aceh, ada pula Sumatera Utara yang menempati posisi ketujuh sebagai provinsi terkaya di Indonesia.
North Sumatra province has an essential role in the National economy. Primarily due to its food and beverage industry, metal, and palm industry, coffee, as well as cacao.
Even more, North Sumatra is also the most significant source of food outside Java. Its primary commodities are paddy and corn.
8. Banten
In eighth place there is Banten. Another one of Java's provinces. In 2019, its yearly budget was IDR 11,2 trillion. It decreased in 2020 to IDR 10,3 trillion. Then it rose again to IDR 11,6 trillion in 2021.
In Banten, there are seventeen flagship sectors. They are agriculture, fishery, mining, warehousing, etc.
9. South Sulawesi

In the next position, the ninth, there is South Sulawesi. In 2019, its yearly budget was IDR 9,57 trillion. It decreased in 2020 to IDR 9,36 trillion; then rose again to IDR 10,7 trillion in 2021.
The flagship sectors in South Sulawesi are still agriculture and plantation. Better even, South Sulawesi's flagship sector is still focused on agriculture and plantation. South Sulawesi is the biggest producer of cocoa in Indonesia. The other commodities are nutmeg, palm, clove, coconut, coffee, sugar cane, and tobacco.
10. South Sumatera
The tenth richest province in Indonesia is South Sumatra Province. In 2019, South Sumatra had a regional budget of IDR 9,27 trillion. In 2020, the budget was still the same. In 2021, the South Sumatra regional budget rose to IDR 10,2 trillion.
According to data from the South Sumatra Central Statistical Data Body (BPS), the flagship income sectors in South Sumatra are mining, industry, and agriculture.
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