Here It Is! 7 Benefits of Enjoying Writing

Benefits of Writing – Writing may be something simple to hear. However, when you write something, are you sure that other people will understand the contents of your writing? Sometimes, people don't know what Whizmates talks about in your writing.

That's why writing is one of the essential skills to learn, regardless of your plans, because writing is only sometimes easy.

Like the foundation of a house, writing is an essential ingredient for building effective, clear, and directed communication within the family and community.

Curious what are the benefits of writing? Whizmates can read more in this article!

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7 Benefits of Enjoying Writing

The love of writing can provide many benefits in our lives. There are at least seven benefits that you can get from writing!

1. Essential for All Types of Careers

As quoted from Grand Canyon University, several jobs will require exceptional writing skills, such as journalists, copywriters, or scriptwriters.

Even if you intend to work outside of that field, the ability to communicate is vital in a work environment. You need to know how to communicate effectively and clearly if you plan to be a teacher, nurse, civil servant, or other occupation.

Why is that? Because written communication skills for employees will make it easier to coordinate work, collaborate with colleagues, and respond to clients.

Moreover, their ability to organize information logically can support problem-solving and decision-making abilities.

2. Important for Personal Life

Whizmates, think for a moment about what activities you have done today. Check out social media, read the newspaper, and check out group chats with friends and family about upcoming get-togethers. Not to mention, when you take the time to read this article. Significantly few activities in life don't involve reading or writing.

Writing is a vital aspect of your personal life. When you know how to choose your words carefully, you can reduce the risk of misunderstandings in conveying your message.

3. Strengthens Memory

According to, one benefit of writing is strengthening memory. When writing, our brains will work to find a framework for what ideas we want to convey.

The reason is the writing process that makes our brain performance stronger. Therefore, be fond of writing to bring fresh ideas that the brain currently thinks.

4. Communicate More Smoothly

Usually, someone who likes to write will also like to read. The more you read, the more vocabulary you master. The combination of reading and writing allows your communication skills to become smoother.

By getting used to enjoying writing, grammar and the ideas you want to convey can be easily understood by others and look more varied.

5. Able to Think Creatively

Have you ever had Whizmates have a lot of ideas that you want to put into practice until it itches if you don't put them in right away?

Pouring all the ideas in your head by writing can hone your creative thinking skills!

When you write often, there will be many creative ideas that your brain can pour into realization. 

6. Focus on The Brain's Work

The next benefit you can take from your love of writing is to train your brain to focus. When you write, you will hone your motor skills.

When you are in the writing process, you must compose words that people can understand but still represent the intent of the message you want to convey.

7. Helps Reduce Stress

By writing, you can pour out your heart and mind to feel calmer, improve your mood, and help reduce stress.

How to Improve Writing Skills

After understanding the benefits of liking writing, it's time for you to know how to improve your writing skills.

The most effective and powerful way you can do to improve your writing skills is to become someone who is always thirsty to read.

Read various kinds of material you like, for example, novels, non-fiction books, articles, magazines, newspapers, and more. By getting used to reading, every day, you will expand your mind, expand your vocabulary, and instill writing techniques according to your character.

Your written communication must be short, clear, and well-organized at school, work, or even at home so that other people can easily understand the message you want to convey.

Always double-check what you write for other people to minimize misunderstandings.

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That's a discussion about the benefits of liking writing and ways to enjoy writing that you can do. How? Are you ready to start writing? Good luck!