Tips for Ngabuburit during a Pandemic – The celebration of Ramadan in 2022 is still overshadowed by a pandemic that has been running for approximately 2 years. Even so, that doesn't mean you and your family can't have fun waiting for iftar time! We have prepared some tips for ngabuburit during a pandemic that the family can do.
Not only fun, we have also selected activities that can educate children. Check out his explanation of tips for ngabuburit during a pandemic that you and your family can enjoy.
8 Tips for Hanging Out During a Pandemic

Well, we have collected 8 fun activities that you and your family can do while waiting for iftar time. Check out the explanation below!
1. Watching Movies Together

more and more streaming service which you can choose will certainly enlarge your library of choices and your family in choosing a movie or series that can be enjoyed by everyone.
So, of course enjoying a series or movie together will be fun while waiting for the Maghrib call to prayer to arrive!
Choose movies that can be enjoyed by everyone, and are educational for children. We have made several recommendations regarding cartoons for children that are educational and certainly fun to watch together, such as Coco, Encanto, The Good Dinosaur, and others.
Read also: Recommended Children's Cartoons: Best and Educational!
2. Cook the Iftar Menu
But don't let the fun of watching movies make you forget to cook the iftar menu. Besides that, of course it will be more fun if you and your family cook the iftar menu together!
Maybe you can make a uniform shared menu, or maybe everyone wants a different menu. As long as the time and materials are available, choose as freely as possible.
Besides being fun, cooking together like this will also take a relatively long time and can distract children who may already be hungry. Then, with cooking activities like this, you can train them in cooking, how to prepare ingredients, what tools are appropriate and needed in cooking certain foods, and so on.
3. Playing Games

Playing games is another fun activity that the family can do. Be it video games or board games, as long as you can do it together and everyone can have fun, why not?
Games like Jackbox Party Pack and Overcooked are two examples of video games that can be enjoyed together. Meanwhile, Monopoly and Ludo are examples of board games that are no less exciting and fun to play together.
4. Reading the Quran
In this month of Ramadan, of course, Muslims are encouraged to collect as many good deeds as possible. One form of good deeds is to read the Koran. Studying the Koran with family can of course also be used as an activity to fill the time while waiting for the time to break the fast. If you and your family are diligent in the Koran, it's possible that you can finish 30 Juices in 30 days.
5. Watching Lectures
Well, if we previously suggested that you and your family watch movies or series, one of the shows that can be enjoyed and educate for families is to watch lectures that are usually broadcast on television or online such as on Youtube.
Besides being fun, the religious education that can be obtained from these lectures will be very important and good for the child to understand.
Read also: Fun Activities During Fasting Month With Family
6. Exercising Together
Next is exercise together. Do not because you are fasting, you become lazy or not enthusiastic about exercising. While waiting for opening times, light exercise and not too tiring can still provide positive results for body health.
What's more it will be fun if you invite your family to join you and exercise together! It doesn't matter, you're already allowed to drink because it's already opening time!
7. Gardening

Since this pandemic, many people who are required to stay at home have started to fill their time with gardening, farming, or taking care of ornamental plants. Not only fun and refreshments Gardening is also meditative and not difficult to do. So, you and your family can calm down and make dhikr while taking care of your plants.
8. Making Crafts
The last activity is making handicrafts with your family. Making crafts is quite fun, doesn't take long, and can help children pour their creativity into a physical product that they can play with and enjoy.
Crafts such as painting, making clay items, and so on, can be fun and exciting activities that the whole family can do!
These are tips for going out during a pandemic, activities you can do with your family. Hopefully some, or maybe all, of these tips can be carried out by you and your family and produce a pleasant and happy atmosphere while waiting for iftar time at home.
If you still need other ngabuburit tips, there is one activity that you and your child can do, which is teaching financial literacy to children. Well, Whiz has interesting features that can make the learning process easier!
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