color psychology

Color Psychology: Definition, History, and Meaning of Color

Color Psychology – Have you ever wondered why we wear all black to funerals, all white to weddings, or why the color pink is associated with love and affection?

The relationship between certain events and their corresponding colors is studied in color psychology.

Without realizing it, colors can evoke emotions, communicate messages, and even change the way we think. Colors can either enhance or calm our mood.

But did you know that each color has a different meaning? Let's dive into this article to find out!

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What is Color Psychology?

According to London Image Institutecolor psychologyis the study of the psychological relationship between colors and emotions.

This field of study investigates how colors can affect a person's emotions and behavior. Those who study color psychology believe that all colors have an impact on the human psyche.

Colors emit specific and different energy waves, which is why they have different effects on our emotions. This knowledge is especially useful for those in the design and branding industry.

In design and branding , color psychology focuses on how colors can influence a consumer's perception of a product.

History of Color Psychology

According to espsiologyAccording to epsychology, in 1666, the scientist Sir Isaac Newton discovered that color is a process that occurs when light strikes an object. This means that colors exist because of light. Newton also discovered that colors have the same wavelength and cannot be separated. These colors provide aesthetic value and beauty.

That is, the source of color is present because of the light. Newton also discovered that colors have the same wavelength and cannot be separated. Well, the color is present to provide aesthetic value and beauty.

This discovery led to the development of several new theories, including the Brewster theory and the Munsell theory. These theories contributed to the study of color psychology and its impact on human emotions, behavior, and actions.

The Meaning of Color in Color Psychology

There are at least 10 colors that have meaning in color psychology as follows.

1. Red

According to color psychology, red is considered a vibrant color that represents strong emotions such as love, desire, and anger, but it can also represent danger, violence, and aggression. It provides energy for action and attracts attention.

When you wear red clothes or see a red carpet at events, it is a color that is considered attention-grabbing because of its bright and warm color.

Red is a primary color that can represent love, power, and self-confidence. However, it can also symbolize danger, violence, and aggressiveness.

Studies explain that bright and warm colors give us more energy to act.

2. Yellow

Yellow is a primary color that is associated with the sun. This color usually symbolizes optimism, joy, and enlightenment.

yellow is also associated with intelligence and logic. If you like this color, yellow can increase analytical thinking.

Additionally, this color can foster positive thinking, help with quick decision-making, especially when you are in a stressful situation.

3. Green

Green is a secondary color, which is a combination of blue and yellow. This color is usually the dominant color that represents forests and nature.

In color psychology, green is considered the most soothing color. This color also symbolizes harmony and peace, which can increase a person's stability and resilience.

According to color psychologyAccording to color psychology, green has a calming effect. So, if you like this color, you will be more relaxed, focused, and reduce anxiety.

4. Blue

Blue is a primary color that is usually associated with calmness and stability. This color can evoke a sense of trust and reliability. Blue is often used in corporate logos because it can represent professionalism and confidence.

However, blue can also symbolize sadness and coldness. Some studies show that the color blue can have a calming effect on the mind, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. color psychology These are just a few examples of the meaning of colors in color psychology. Each color has its own unique meaning and can evoke different emotions in different people.

5. Black

According to Oberlo, the psychology of the color black is often associated with mystery and elegance. This color can also evoke emotions such as anger and sadness.

However, someone who likes this color can be interpreted as strong, brave, and dominant.

6. White

White is the brightest color, often associated with purity and innocence. In contrast to black, this color symbolizes peace and purity.

White is considered to represent perfection because it is the most complete and purest color.

7. Pink

According to color psychology, pink is a representation of feminist principles. Pink can also be associated with femininity, gentleness, love, calmness, innocence, and optimism.

8. Purple

Do you like this color? Purple is a color that can give a sense of luxury and power. It is also generally associated with mysticism and magic.

9. Brown

The color brown is usually associated with the earth, and color psychology links it with a sense of safety and resilience. This color is also seen as one that provides security and safety.

10. Orange

Orange is a combination of red and yellow. In color psychology, orange can bring high levels of positivity, calmness, hope, and happiness.

It is the color that gives you shelter in times of trouble, by not allowing you to sink into sorrow or disappointment. It carries a high degree of positivism, always rejuvenating us in the most difficult times. The huge and refreshing benefits of orange should be used every day, even if it's just a small object, like a mug or pen, that we use in our daily tasks.

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That's an explanation of the psychology of color, the history of color, and the meaning of each color. Hope this article can help you!