what is social comparison

What is Social Comparison? Let's Get to Know It!

Social Comparison – Have you ever felt being socially compared? However, what is social comparison, actually?

Those of you who are growing up, usually, you will often feel this way. Social comparison is comparing one's abilities, opinions, and characteristics with others (Buunk & Vugt, 2013).

The rise of social media also supports this. Thus, social comparison is innate. However, feeling this way can be wrong and good for you if it goes too long. So, what are the effects of social comparison? Let's see the full explanation in this article!

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Effects of Social Comparison

what is social comparison

In general, social comparison is divided into two types, namely an upward comparison and downward comparison. Upward comparison means comparing oneself with others who are considered better than themselves. Meanwhile, downward comparison signifies self-comparison with others who are considered no better than themselves.

Because of the various types of social comparison, there will be positive and negative impacts. The following are the effects of social comparison in general.

1. Feeling Grateful

Feeling Grateful

Social comparison that moves downwards or is called downward comparison tends to make oneself more grateful. It is caused by the feeling of being lucky or better. 

For example, you see a person who does not own a home. Then, they slept on the side of the road. Indirectly, of course, you will feel luckier than that person.

2. Causing Inferiority Complex

In contrast to the previous point, an upward comparison has a different impact. Most will produce more negative feelings, one of which is low self-esteem. 

However, an upward comparison has a positive impact, FYI. It can also have a positive effect on yourself. For example, it will make you improve your performance for assignments or other things so that your career or study will get even better.

So, whether it is a good or bad impact depends on your response and attitude.

3. Feeling Bad When Compared to Others

Feeling Bad When Compared to Others

Similar to feeling inferior, you must also feel inadequate compared to others. The reason is that you only focus on your weaknesses or shortcomings. On the other hand, your strength is also covered with all your worries.

Therefore, self-confidence is essential. With confidence, we will be more aware and mindful of our own strengths.

You will want to improve your performance and skills when needed. Thus, the bad feelings and the like would slowly go away.

4. Motivating Oneself

One of the positive effects of social comparison is self-motivation. In other words, you don't view any shortcomings as something negative. Instead, you turn it into a self-evaluation.

Motivating yourself can be tricky and challenging. It would help if you consistently improve yourself and do not feel discouraged when something comes your way. All your mistakes can trigger a desire to improve yourself for the future.

So, the social comparison doesn't always bring bad things! Everything depends on you because there are many positive impacts that you can get from this. 

Then, how can you minimize the negative impact or even make it disappear? The key is within yourself. So, don't wait anymore, and let's try to look at the following information!

How to Avoid the Negative Effects of Social Comparison

1. Stop Feeling Inadequate

stop feeling inadequate

By constantly feeling you're enough, you will not be busy comparing yourself to others. The only important thing that needs to be done is to compare the old version of yourself with the new one.

You have to build your confidence and feel grateful for your situations in life. Everyone certainly has a different destiny, and you should know that. If you try your best, you will become significant in your way!

2. Know Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses

Know Your Own Strengths and Weaknesses

We often ignore this one thing. In fact, by knowing our strengths and weaknesses of ourselves, we can become more confident! 

By knowing our strengths, we will focus on developing these strengths. Meanwhile, by understanding our weaknesses, we can be aware of them and improve ourselves.

Focus on more than just your strengths and weaknesses. You also deserve to be rewarded for what you are good at!

3. See Things from a Broad Perspective

Always seeing things from the positive side, even the bad ones, makes us more able to accept our situations or circumstances and make ourselves more grateful.

Don't just focus on your own strengths and weaknesses. You also deserve to be rewarded for what you are good at! 

Seeing through a broad perspective will make you realize that everyone has their uniqueness. Likewise, of course, you also have your uniqueness, strengths, and skills that differ from others. So, no need to feel inferior, OK?

4. Believe that Everyone Has Their Own Uniqueness

Believing that everyone has their uniqueness is also one of the most important things. Everyone is born different. In addition, everyone also lives their own life.

We don't need to compare ourselves to others who are above us. It's because we live our own life and fate. We can be significant in our way. 

Other people may be above us, but we can surpass others in what we are good at. Everyone is unique, and you should know that!

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So, that's the impacts or effects of social comparison and how to avoid its negative ones. Thus, social comparison can be interpreted as positive and negative at the same time. You can get positive things from social comparison, OK!

Learning financial literacy through the Whiz financial application can also increase your strengths. Thus, you can minimize the negative impact of what is social comparison.