What is the motivation to Study? Let’s take a peek at how to build it!

What is motivation to study - You can do enriching knowledge through teaching-studying processes both in school and at home. It is common to feel exhausted and bored to the point of giving up while doing it. To solve that, we must be motivated to learn to face challenges while studying. But what is the motivation to study?

In short, the motivation to study is also the desire or the push to study. An explanation will make the condition while learning more fun and less oppressive. Even we, ourselves, have experienced that boredom and tiredness often. But if our motivation is strong, it will be easy to take care of it. Therefore, how to build the reason to learn? Let's find it out!

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What is The Motivation to Learn??

motivation to learn

When you hear the word "motivation," what pops into your mind at first? A push? A want? An effort? Or movement? According to The Big Indonesian DictionaryMotivation is an impulse that arises in a person consciously or unconsciously to carry out an action with a specific purpose. In simple terms, we can interpret this motivation as an encouragement to achieve learning goals, for example broadening horizons, self-development, and understanding the material.

Motivation has an essential role in raising one's learning spirit. We will feel free to learn if the teaching and learning process has a strong reason. The way to grow cause is a challenging task to complete, too, because everyone has different methods and characters. And yet, it is possible to build a motivation to study.

Motivation has an important role to raise one’s learning spirit, FYIIf the teaching and learning process has a strong base motivation, we will not feel like we are forced to learn. The way to grow a cause is not easy because everyone has different modes and characters. And yet, it doesn’t mean it is impossible to build a motivation to study. you know!

The Way to Build The Motivation to Study

After understanding what a motivation to study is, you must be curious about building it, right? Here are seven ways to make your motivation to explore what you can do!

1. 1. Find The Method of Learning That Suit You Best

The first method to build the motivation to learn is to find the most suitable way of learning you can use. There are many ways you can do or choose from. If you still need to decide which one suits you, it's time to explore your options!! it’s time to explore your options!!

If you are fond of visual methods, you can use photos, videos, or illustrations while studying. You can also make diagrams, graphics, or colorful notes to stimulate your ability to focus. On the other hand, those who like to use aural methods can use recording materials and listen to music while studying instead.

2. Make a Private Agenda

Even though it sounds simple, don't underestimate the importance of a private agenda, FYI. By using a private agenda, you will not be confused on where to start studying.

Moreover, this private agenda is very important, you know! To keep yourself on the track especially, so the time you spend studying will be worthwhile. Please also keep in mind to set the time for each studying objective you want to do. You can make this agenda either daily, weekly, or monthly.

3. Use Media Optimally

The following method to build the motivation to study is to use media optimally. Nowadays, media can be one of the sources of learning that is easy to find. Through media, you can also find new things that have yet to be taught in school.

Especially for you who are visual learners. By optimizing media, you will be more excited to learn, and the conditions while studying will become more fun.

4. Look for a Supportive Learning Environment

Other than it’s time to explore your options! Learning methods that suit you and a supportive learning environment will be another way to build your motivation to study. You can choose a place that raises your spirit and makes you productive, like studying cafes, libraries, co-working space, or even your own room.

Studying in another place that is not our bedroom can be the right way to do it, you know! Because studying in your bedroom can sometimes be tedious, it is easy to get sleepy there. Even though there is no distraction in the bedroom, the mostly too quiet atmosphere can bore us sometimes.

5. Take care 5. Keep Up The Good Mood

Another way that is related to the previous tip is how a supportive environment will make your mood better. Take studying in a messy bedroom, for example. It would be difficult for you to take on the subject you are currently studying if the atmosphere is not encouraging.

Imagine studying in a not-so-helpful situation. It must be more difficult to focus on what you should be doing at the time.

6. Learning Step by Step

The following method is to study gradually, step by step. It is optional to force yourself to understand all the subjects in a short time. Start looking step by step according to your ability. When you have succeeded in building your motivation to study, the next step is to raise the intensity of the study.

For example, you want to practice English for an hour today. Then it will be two hours the next day, and so on. Without you realizing it, this habit can motivate you to raise your skill daily.

7. Have a Me Time

After studying, remember to have some me time, okay! After doing so many activities and being tired all day, there is nothing wrong with spending time alone. Having me time can release your tiredness from doing activities all day and bring back your motivation to study

Usually, after taking a bit of rest, you will be ready to continue your activity later and gain back a new spirit.

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To build a motivation to study is indeed not an easy thing. By doing these seven methods to build your motivation, it is hoped for you to build a more fun and more exciting atmosphere to study. A learning process can proceed well if you do them consistently as in what we have discussed! Hopefully, it will be useful for you and try it!