What is Whiz Finance App – Based on a survey from Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) released by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 2019, stated that Indonesia is a country that ranks in the bottom 10 in terms of literacy. Wow, this means that the literacy rate in Indonesia is very low, you know!
In 2019, according to the results of a survey conducted by the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) from the Financial Services Authority (OJK), explained that each level of financial literacy and financial inclusion reached 38.03% and 76,19%.
Eits, although this number has increased compared to previous years, the number is still said to be small. Well, one way to improve financial literacy is to use money management apps. With the Whiz App financial application you can learn and understand how to manage your own finances.
Moreover, the Whiz App family finance application is very friendly for children. Interesting, yes! For those of you who want to know what a whiz financial application is, here Whizmin will explain, yes. Come on, take a good look!
Read also: Low Financial Literacy? Whiz is the Solution!
What is Whiz Finance App?

If based on the meaning of the verb, Whiz means to move or do something quickly. However, from the meaning of the noun, Whiz means someone who has very high skills or abilities in a particular field.
So what is the Whiz App? Eits, wait a minute. Whizmin explain from the beginning, okay!
Whiz App is a money management apps the first family in Indonesia. The practical features of this application make it very easy for children to adults to manage their finances. With the Whiz App, children can learn and get directly involved in managing their finances.
This AI-based application is programmed to form a habit. One of them is by encouraging children to have good financial experiences. This application is also based on gamification which can stimulate children to be wise in managing their own finances. Very interesting, yes!
Not only that, parents can also monitor their children's financial condition more easily, you know! This is because this application provides access for parents to see and control their child's financial development. So, parents need not be afraid to give their children the opportunity to manage their own finances.
So, with the meaning of the Whiz App that Whizmin has explained above, the Whiz App This is a hope to be able to move into a superior financial application and have advanced feature capabilities. Of course, that is different from other financial applications. One of the most distinct advantages is that Whiz App is very kid-friendly.
Purpose of Whiz Keuangan Finance App
One of Whiz's main goals is to support parents in guiding children's financial literacy. This is due to the low financial literacy of the Indonesian people which needs to be improved from a young age. Knowledge about financial literacy is unfortunately not provided for children at the level of formal education.
Therefore, Whiz App will provide the best in improving an inclusive financial ecosystem for all ages. So that in this application, children can learn and have experience in managing their finances. In addition, children can also appreciate the currency value of the effort they get.
Advantages of Using Finance Apps Whiz

Using the Whiz App certainly has many advantages, you know! Here are some of the advantages:
1. Learn, Receive and Send Money Easily!
No need to worry about the Whiz App feature. Because this application has features that are very easy and can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Shopping made easy, receiving and sending money was fine!
2. Familiarize Children to Save
Instill the habit of saving from an early age so that children can fulfill their desires independently. Whiz App really supports you to save money on the pocket feature, you know! What are you waiting for? Come on, try it!
3. Children's Accounts Can Be Linked to Parents' Accounts
With the Whiz App, parents can monitor and manage their children's financial limits directly, you know!
4. Manage Pocket Money Easily
You can set up an automatic pocket money transfer scheme, you know! You can also set it daily, weekly, or monthly.
5. Has Practical and Complete Features
Don't hesitate to use the Whiz App because its features really support you in managing your finances. Starting from the pocket feature, customer support sophisticated software, transaction notifications, set spending limits, connect to parent accounts, and much more.
Target Audience Finance Apps Whiz
Rocket Pocket comes in two categories. First is Youth or children aged 6–18 who have a personal cell phone. Second is Dear parents or parents who have children aged 6–18 years and have a personal cell phone as well.
This application helps children experience managing their own finances without having to have an ID card first. Parents also have the authority to monitor children's financial management!
Whiz . logo

It doesn't feel right, if we use the Whiz App but don't know the logo and its meaning. For that, Whizmin will explain, yes. Come on, don't miss it!
Logo Symbol
The main symbol of the Whiz App logo is a rocket that shoots out of the earth. This logo illustrates the loud sound that will be emitted from a rocket. That way, this application is called Whiz App.
This logo also illustrates the hope for all users to continue to empower themselves and push themselves like space exploration. Therefore, the Whiz App maximally provides complete, easy, and practical features so that users can learn and have experience in managing their finances.
Type Logo Writing
This type of Whiz writing is called Sans Serif written by Vernon Adams. The modified Whiz font shape and proper letter spacing describe the overall character of the Whiz App, which is vibrant, agile, and fast. Very cool, yes!
Types of color Logo
Whiz App has 2 types of color logos, you know! First, there are primary colors and secondary colors. The primary colors are dark blue and orange. Dark blue represents stability, confidence and strength. This color is also used as the primary color for the parent version of the app.
Meanwhile, orange represents fun, freedom, determination, and success. Orange is used as the main color for the kids and teen versions of the app.
Secondary colors consist of glacier (ice blue) and magenta (purple red). Glacier depicts friendliness and serenity. This color is used as a fill color.
Magenta represents love, encouraging and supporting each other. In Whiz App, magenta is used as highlights.
Read also: How to Create a Whiz Money Management App Account: Let's Get Started!
How? It's easy? Come on, use it right away financial app Whiz App to increase your experience in managing finances.
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