Why become a Merchant on the Whiz platform?

Whiz provides the right support as a financial application for your business

  • Accept QRIS payments easily

    Receive money online or offline from anyone

  • Easy transaction recording

    All payments received are automatically recorded

  • Increase your business profits

    Join the Whiz ecosystem with 100k+ teens and families

Start developing your business by becoming Whiz Merchant

Register for free now or contact us for more information.

Documents required for registration:

Jenis Dokumen PT CV Yayasan/Koperasi Pribadi
Merchant Request From (MRF)
Owner or Responsible Person's Identity (KTP)
TDP or NIB (Business Registration Number)
Business License (In the form of SIUP or equivalent document)
Store photo (Offline Merchant) or official shop website (Online Merchant)
Deed of Establishment, Deed of Amendment and Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Whiz Merchant?

"Whiz Merchant" is a merchant who has registered as a Whiz Merchant and registered to cooperate in accepting payment transactions with Whiz, for the purpose of enabling merchants to accept payment transactions using Whiz payment instruments or payment channels provided by Whiz, either one of them is with the QRIS code.

What do you get if you become a Whiz Merchant?

By becoming a Whiz Merchant, you will receive convenience in receiving payments for the products you sell, including:

  1. can accept payment transactions via your special Whiz QRIS code which are carried out using the Whiz payment instrument or other instruments that can make QRIS payments ("Whiz Transactions") made by your customers, one of which is with the QRIS code;
  2. receive records of Whiz Transaction History that have been successfully processed from Us ("PT Midazpay Digital Indonesia" or "Whiz"); And
  3. receive funds generated from Whiz Transactions (after deducting the "Merchant Discount Rate" or "MDR" and taxes as applicable) regularly from Us via transfer to the account that you have registered ("Settlement Funds").
When can you receive your Whiz transaction funds?

We will transfer your Whiz Transaction funds after deducting MDR and applicable taxes to the account that you have registered no later than 2 (two) working days after the Whiz Transaction was successfully carried out.


If there is a difference in the nominal transaction in the report or funds received, please send the report via email to [email protected], you are required to upload a screenshot of the mutation and report and mention the different parts.

What is meant by MDR?

"Merchant Discount Rate" or abbreviated as "MDR" is a number of rates in percentage that we charge you from every fund generated from your Whiz Transaction. MDR is charged for the processing of Whiz Transactions that we carry out and MDR will be taken directly from each of your Whiz Transaction funds ("Transaction Funds").


We will tell you the MDR percentage that we will charge you after you register or before you activate your Whiz Merchant account.


The MDR percentage for each Whiz Merchant can vary depending on several factors including; method of accepting Whiz Transactions used, type and scale of Whiz Merchant business, etc.


Whiz Merchant is strictly prohibited from charging any additional fees (surcharges) to customers for transactions carried out by customers or transferring the MDR burden to customers making transactions, which is also prohibited by Bank Indonesia. We will take firm action against the actions referred to.



The MDR that applies to Whiz Transactions with QRIS scanning (MDR QRIS) will be charged and enforced with the following conditions:


Merchant Type




Micro Enterprises (UMI)

Transaction Nominal < IDR 100,000 (less than or equal to one hundred thousand rupiah)


Transaction Nominal > IDR 100,000 (more than one hundred thousand rupiah)


Small Enterprises (UKE), Medium Enterprises (UME), and Large Enterprises (UBE)





Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU), Public Service Agency (BLU), Public Service Obligation (PSO) 


Government to People (G2P) such as Social Assistance (Bansos), People to Government (P2G) including taxes, passports, and social donations (non-profit)



Changes to the QRIS MDR: The QRIS MDR can be changed by Whiz from time to time to comply with Bank Indonesia provisions or applicable laws and regulations, or future Whiz developments.


Non-QRIS MDR: MDR that applies to transactions outside QRIS (non-QRIS) will be charged and enforced in accordance with the agreement between Whiz and the Merchant.


Tax: The MDR (QRIS and non-QRIS) imposed on the Merchant does not include the applicable tax, the said tax will be taken and deducted directly by Whiz from the Transaction Funds along with the MDR rate applicable to the Merchant.

How do I apply for a customer balance refund?

If there are payment problems with a customer's QRIS transaction, please first confirm the status of the transaction in the transaction history.

If events like the following have already occurred:


  • The customer overpaid because he entered the wrong amount when making a payment using a static QRIS scan
  • Customer pays twice for the same transaction 
  • You cannot hand over goods that the customer previously wanted to buy, even though the customer has completed the payment.


You can request a customer balance return (refund) by:

  1. View your transaction history, and ensure that customer payment transactions have been recorded and have the status "Success"
  2. Press the "Refund" button next to the related transaction
  3. You will get a pop-up to fill in the refund amount (maximum amount paid by the customer). Make sure you really want to make a refund, because the refund transaction is final.


If you experience problems or need assistance, please contact us [email protected].

What if commission deductions/MDR are not appropriate?

If you find differences or discrepancies in commission deductions (fees) or MDR charged to merchants related to transaction activities carried out on the Whiz application. To report these problems, please report them to us via [email protected]. We will help you.

Why can't the QRIS code that I printed be scanned by the customer?

If a customer experiences problems when making a payment, first ensure the following:  


  1. Customer devices are connected to a stable internet network 
  2. The printed QRIS code is in good condition
  3. There is no interference with the application used by the customer to carry out the scan


If you think that there is a problem with the application used by the Customer, please ask the Customer to contact the application.

If you think that there is interference on Whiz's side, please contact us via [email protected].

Why did the customer fail to complete the payment by scanning the QRIS code that I printed?

If a customer experiences problems when making a payment, first ensure the following:  


  1. Customer devices are connected to a stable internet network 
  2. Customer has entered the correct PIN 
  3. Whiz Customer balance is sufficient 
  4. The printed QRIS code is still active
  5. There is no interference with the application used by the customer to carry out the scan


If you think that there is a problem with the application used by the Customer, please ask the Customer to contact the application.

If you think that there is interference on the Whiz side, please contact us [email protected].

Why don't I receive payment from the customer even though the payment has been successful in the customer application?

Customer payments use other than the Whiz Application

Ask to contact the application company your customer uses because the balance deduction is carried out by the application, not Whiz.


Consumer payments use the Whiz Application

Send the report via email to [email protected] for the Whiz team to carry out the refund process (maximum 20 calendar days after the application is approved).


Make sure you have attached the following information:

  1. Photo of proof of the consumer's balance being deducted
  2. Consumer cellphone number
  3. Transaction date
  4. Type of purchase
  5. Payment methods used by consumers
  6. PIC Merchant
  7. Store Name
  8. Merchant's cellphone number