World Finance Figure

Powerful People in Finance: Influential and Rich, Who are They?

World Finance Figure – You must have heard the names of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, David Ricardo, Irving Fisher, and other great figures. They are genius figures who initiated theories about economics and finance that we can enjoy today.

Apart from these figures, it turns out that there are financial figures who have important roles in the world today, you know. Their role is considered influential because of their ideas and hard work to build the world's economy and future.

Is there anyone? Let's take a peek at the world's financial figures who are not only rich but also have great influence.

Also Read: Types of Financial Statements You Need to Know

10 Influential World Financial Figures Today

1. Elon Musk

World Finance Figure

Who doesn't know Elon Musk? CEO of Tesla Inc and also the most sought after and talked about character. His name is often in the public spotlight, one of which is in the crypto market.

 Elon Musk opened up the potential of using crypto coins for Tesla electric car transactions so that the Shiba Inu (SHIB) crypto currency experienced an increase.

He also entered the Innovator category in TIME100 and became Person of the Year 2021 magazine version time. Elon Musk is a person who creates technology and useful solutions for the future.

2. Jack Ma

World Finance Figure

The founder of Alibaba and Ant Group, Jack Ma, is also one of the world's financial figures today. His name became very famous after Alibaba managed to become a company e-commerce world number 1 beat eBay and Amazon.

Ma's struggle to found Alibaba was not easy, he worked at KFC and then became an English teacher. His company was also rejected by 30 investors before finally meeting its main investor, SoftBank Masayoshi Son.

3. Bill Phillips

Bill Philips is not a character whose name we have only recently become acquainted with. He was an economist from New Zealand who had a great influence on the economy.

In 1958, he introduced the Phillips Curve, a tool for showing price growth against unemployment growth. Many countries use the Phillips Curve to determine the direction of their economic policy, especially regarding interest rates.

4. Robert Lucas


In addition to Bill Phillips, there is also Robert Lucas who is considered one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. His name is known for theory Rational Expectations. The theory explains the effects of government policies.

Robert Lucas was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1995.

5. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh


Talal Abu-Ghazaleh is one of the most influential Muslim figures in the world. He is the founder of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization which also introduced the concept of intellectual property in Arabia.

In addition, he was also elected Chair of the United Nations Global Alliance on ICT and Development.

6. Jensen Huang


Graphics chip maker Nvidia, Jensen Huang is an influential figure not only in finance, but also in technology.

The Nvidia CEO and president led his company to become a dominant company in computer gaming chips that also thrives on designing chips for data centers and autonomous cars.

7. Mary Barra


Furthermore, Mary Barra who is the first woman to lead one of the three major automakers in the US, General Motors Company.

He started his career from ground zero and was able to lead General Motors to build a transportation with zero accidents and zero emissions.

Mary Barra has a strong role in the business world, she is the first CEO and the first woman to lead a major car manufacturer in the world and was named the magazine's second most influential woman. Fortune.

8. Bill Gates

World Finance Figure

Who does not know this one character? Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world who makes millions of rupiah in just one second.

Bill Gates' journey to become a billionaire is not easy. Had dropped out of college at the age of 19, Bill Gates was actually able to get up and make computer devices that we can enjoy today.

Bill Gates' wealth did not come suddenly, he was able to manage the money he had, save money, and invest. Who doesn't want to be like Bill Gates?

9. Jeff Bezos

World Finance Figure
Photo: Twitter/@JeffBenzos

Apart from Jack Ma, we also get to know Jeff Bezos, the founder of, a multinational trading platform founded in 1994 in Washington DC.

Jeff Bezos once dreamed of becoming an entrepreneur and was interested in the business world. Currently, he became one of the richest people in the world by founding marketplaces world famous.

Starting from a pension from his parents and an office in his garage, he became an American entrepreneur who has an important role in the growth of the world e-commerce.

10.  Bernard Arnault

Photo: Facebook

Everyone, especially women must be very crazy about fashion. Having clothes or bags from luxury brands is a matter of pride, one of which is if we use Louis Vuitton (LV) products. But, do you know who the current CEO of LV is?

Yes, Bernard Arnault. The CEO of Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) and also one of the richest people in the world. This French entrepreneur started his career in the construction sector and started his career in luxury goods in 1984.

Also Read: 6 Tips for Managing 3 Million Salary Finances

Those are the 10 world financial figures who have great influence. They do not make policies related to the economy. However, their existence and success also influenced the world economy.

Who wouldn't want to be one of them? Having influence and becoming the richest person in the world may be everyone's dream. But, everything does not happen instantly, you know.

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