Making Money & Saving

Fraud Alert

Take Care of Your Finances and Privacy: Beware of Scam Modes

Beware of Fraud Modes - Whizmates, in today's increasingly digitally connected world, we need to remain careful of fraudulent modes that can threaten our finances and privacy. In this digital era, fraud methods are also increasingly developing and attacking on a massive scale. You definitely don't want to be a victim, right? Therefore, let's learn […]

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50 Birthday Greetings for a Girlfriend, Anything, huh?

Birthday Greetings for Female Friends – Do you like being confused when giving birthday wishes to friends? Especially for women, here. Don't worry, yes, that's normal. Usually, birthday greetings are filled with prayers and hopes. Even though they are short, birthday greetings are meaningful, you know. Therefore, don't forget to say it because

50 Birthday Greetings for a Girlfriend, Anything, huh? Read More »

10 Cheap and Cozy Hangout Places in Jakarta

Cheap places to hang out in Jakarta - Are you tired of your days and need a reference for a place to hang out? You are lucky because you have read the right article. In this article, Whizmin will summarize and recommend places to hang out in Jakarta that are cheap and cozy, you know! It's no surprise that Jakarta is an elite metropolitan area with a dense population. So

10 Cheap and Cozy Hangout Places in Jakarta Read More »

examples of product promotional content

5 Examples of Perfect Product Promotional Content for Business!

Product promotional content – Whizmates have a business and are still confused about how to create interesting content? Marketing a product isn't easy, isn't it? Therefore, you must know marketing strategies and examples of product promotional content that are suitable for your business. The main thing that needs to be considered when creating product promotional content is pain points or issues

5 Examples of Perfect Product Promotional Content for Business! Read More »

terms of collaboration with influencers

Want to Collaborate with Influencers? Follow This Way!

Influencer Collaboration Terms – Have you ever seen someone promoting goods? Usually, they are referred to as influencers, namely people who are thought to be able to influence other people to want to buy a product. Perhaps Whizmate is more familiar with the term endorsement. An influencer promotes goods through their personal social media, such as Instagram, Tik Tok, etc. This is certain

Want to Collaborate with Influencers? Follow This Way! Read More »

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers!

Virtual Influencer – You are certainly familiar with the fact that in this era of increasingly rapid technological advances, robots are emerging that are replacing the role of humans. In fact, what is unexpected is that they can become artists on social media, you know. Finally, a new term called virtual influencer (hereinafter referred to as VI, yes), emerged. Well, you know, then the difference between an influencer and an influencer with

Let's get to know the not-so-ordinary virtual influencers! Read More »

10 Ways to Become an Influencer That Makes You Interested!

10 Ways to Become an Influencer That Makes You Interested!

How to Become an Influencer – One marketing strategy that is now popular and unquestionable is through influencers. By having a large following on social media, an influencer can have a significant impact on various industries, you know. Through their social media (Instagram, TikTok, YouTube), influencers will recommend products they receive from various industries. For example,

10 Ways to Become an Influencer That Makes You Interested! Read More »

how to save quota

Spend Too Much Internet Quota? Here are 8 Ways To Save It!

8 Ways to Save Quota - It cannot be denied that nowadays everything requires a quota. Starting from chatting with friends, watching films, to studying, you also need the internet. So, it's not surprising that now the need for quotas is becoming increasingly important. The quota price itself also varies. The more quota you buy, the more expensive the price. So,

Spend Too Much Internet Quota? Here are 8 Ways To Save It! Read More »