duties and responsibilities of a child at home

Here Are 10 Duties and Responsibilities of a Child at Home!

Duties and Responsibilities of a Child at Home – A family is the smallest unit of a community which is also part of society. Like a community, a family also has members and a leader. 

In the family, the position of a child is important! Indeed, in a family position, children can be in a lower position after the father and mother as parents. However, the existence of children can bring more happiness to a family.

Besides having rights, children also have responsibilities and duties at home. What are they? See these ten duties and responsibilities of a child at home!

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10 Duties and Responsibilities of a Child at Home

duties and responsibilities of a child at home

1. Being a Devoted Child

A child's primary responsibility is to be devoted to their parents. Children are born and raised by both parents. The love of parents can never be returned by anything.

Every parent would want the best for their child. Therefore, they are often willing to sacrifice anything for their children. Well, one form of respect and appreciation that parents can do is to be devoted to them as a parent. For example, helping and speaking politely to them.

2. Helping to Do Household Chores

Helping to Do Household Chores

Have you ever helped your mother cook? Or help dad wash the car. Well, this activity is an example that you are helping them.

Doing house chores is not just the responsibility of one person. However, the assignments are a shared responsibility. You can share tasks with other family members. For example, mom is in charge of cooking, dad is in order of washing the car, the younger brother is in the amount of washing the dishes, and you are in charge of sweeping the floor.

Therefore, the chores feel easier to do because everyone in the family does them together.

3. Studying


Learning is indeed expected of every human being until the end of their life. However, as a child, studying is a must.

Every parent wants the best education for their child because they hope they can achieve their goals and succeed.

For this reason, the child must be knowledgeable and study. Well, a child shouldn't disappoint their parents.

4. Always Asking Parents for Permission

Asking parents for permission is a child's duty. This is because before a child gets married, they are still under the responsibility of their parents.

Therefore, a child must ask permission from their parents if they want to leave the house. By asking permission, your parents will know where you are and can be on alert if you need anything. Parents are responsible for their child's safety and whereabouts.

5. Keeping the House Clean

Keeping the House Clean

A house is the most comfortable place for every family. It is also a place for children to get to know their immediate environment. It is not surprising that every family member hopes to spend much time at home.

Usually, Saturday and Sunday are used for family time. Some spend time chatting, watching movies, and cleaning the house together.

A comfortable home is not only characterized by a warm sense among the family members. However, a comfortable home also comes from a clean house.

6. Maintain Good Relations with Siblings

Every family does not only consist of a father, a mother, and one child. Some parents have many children, so the family members become more and more. 

Problems can arise when children disagree or don't get along with their siblings. The atmosphere in the house becomes not conducive and can make other family members uncomfortable.

Therefore, it would be nice if a child could maintain a good relationship with siblings because the family atmosphere will feel comfortable. Although indeed, the different personalities can complement each other. Therefore, respecting each other is essential.

7. Showing Parents Love and Affection

Showing Parents Love and Affection

It is fitting for a child to love their parents as a figure who raises them. Supposedly, loving parents is no longer the duty of a child but an action that children will carry out along the way. Naturally, a child will love the parents who have cared for them since they were in the womb.

Showing parents can be done in various ways. For example, saying "I love mom and dad," saying things politely, giving gifts on their birthdays, and helping to do house chores. These ways are just examples, and you can always be creative in showing affection to your parents.

So, don't hesitate to express your love for your parents! Both through your actions and words.

8. Listening to Parents' Advice

Listening to Parents' Advice

Parents are born first before the children. Parents also have more life experience than children. Sometimes, we need to pay more attention to the advice from parents. However, listening and incorporating it into your daily life is a good idea.

Therefore, remember to listen to every piece of advice from your parents, okay?

9. Tidying Up Your Room

A bedroom is indeed a private place for everyone, including children. It's good for you to pay attention to the cleanliness and tidiness of your room. You started by making the bed, cleaning the furniture's dust, and tidying up the room's layout.

It is not surprising that a neat and clean room will provide comfort for you. Let's get used to tidying up your space, okay?

10. Having Good Manners

Wherever it is, of course, we have to maintain our manners while speaking and behaving, right? And it is no exception for a child in their own house.

Indeed, the house is the most "relaxing" place. However, even though the atmosphere at home seems "relaxed," children still must be polite, especially with their parents. 

Also Read: Benefits of Making A Family Tree, Here's How To Make It!

Those are the ten duties and responsibilities of a child at home. However, remember the responsibilities of children outside the family environment, okay? I hope you can fulfill your duties and responsibilities in all different environments.