strict parents meaning

What Are Strict Parents? Get to know, Come on!

Strict Parents Have you ever heard about strict parenting? What does strict parenting mean, actually? You have many stern rules and unbending parenting styles when facing their children.

In psychology, it is said that this type of parent has high expectations of their children. So, when their children fail or don't fulfill their expectations, they often get undesirable consequences. 

You can recognize strict parents from their characteristics. Are you curious? Let's get to know it.

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Characteristics of Strict Parents

1. Looked apathetic and not close with their children

looks cold and not close to the child

Usually, strict parenting will treat their children coldly. They appear not to be close and tend to distance themselves from their children. 

Not infrequently, they will scream at the child. They are not too far apart and can still call him with even better intonation.  

Not only that, strict parenting are also less appreciative. They rarely give their children the appreciation they deserve when they achieve their target. 

2. Giving physical punishment Often

You also give physical punishment, which is instead an overboard action. There is no mercy for their child because no matter how old the child is, they will get it regardless if they don't reach their expectations.

The physical punishments are varied. They start from a hit, a pinch, and even pulling their ear. How can they do that? You mean that the parenting style has become unhealthy and unsuitable for the child.

Children are not supposed to get such treatment from their parents. If a child has made a mistake, try to reason with them well and not use violence. 

3. Set exaggerated rules

have too many rules

This one characteristic is the signature of strict parents. They usually put a nighttime limit on their children. You will limit the children's movement to socialize with the outside world, aka their friends.

It is okay for parents to determine when their children can go. But, they have to make sure that it has been discussed and agreed upon first between both parties. 

Other than the nighttime limitation, some parents always manage specific schedules for their children after school, enrolling them into courses like swimming to music when their children have yet to agree. 

4. Give their children no choice

This one point is related to the previous ones. You usually rein what their children want. All decisions will come from them, and they will not hear their children's opinions. 

This is very limiting to the children's freedom, of course. They can't choose for themselves. Whizparents should let their children decide. Don't let their rein loose, but hold them responsibly. Give them advice as pointers and guidance on the decision that they have chosen.

5. Constantly shaming their children

often embarrass children

Other than reigning in their children, strict parenting are also constantly shaming their children in front of many people. They will do it by reprimanding them when they make mistakes in public. 

Their purpose may be seen as a stern and encouraging parent towards their children. But, rather thansupportthat will make the children feel less confident because they are being shamed in front of many people. 

It should be done to advise them and let them join in the discussion. That way, they won't have low self-esteem and can be more open to their parents.

So, those are the characteristics of strict parents. What are the effects of strict parenting on their children? Here is the explanation.

The Implication Of Parents' Strict Parenting On Children

the impact of applying strict parents to children

1. They will lie more often

Children being reigned in so much will be afraid of telling the truth. If they make mistakes, they will cover them by lying. Because they are scared of the consequences that they will get.

Those children who are not given any chance to tell the truth by their parents will be comfortable with lying. Therefore, it will be better if parents can give them their trust instead.

2. Children will be less confident

Authoritarian parents can also inflict adverse effects on children's character development. Parents who always take the right to decide will make their children lose confidence in making decisions.

Children who are too afraid of making mistakes and are fearful of trying new things are the result of that bad parenting, in which they are not given freedom. 

3. Develop negative characteristics

Children are the mirror of their parents. That wise word is often heard in various chances. But, parents who are mistaken in their parenting will harm their children's character development and form.

An impulsive parent who reigns their children too much and doesn't give them freedom will, in turn, make them aggressive, temperamental, and rebellious.

4. Less Motivation

Every parent wants their children to succeed and not rely on others. But, it's expected that those feelings will be something that reigns them instead.

An ambitious parent will force their children to join extracurricular activities or specific courses. The result is children will lose their initiative due to that children will lose their initiative because the parents have managed all their needs. Other than that, they also have low motivation because they are given no freedom at all.

5. Bad Relationship

Parents who employ bad parenting will result in a negative effect on children's socialization abilities. For example, they will be stressed to the point of having difficulties in being accepted in socializing, like friendship.

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Those are the effects of employing strict parenting on children. Let's hope that we are far from being such a parent!